(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) The Hong Kong youth who had been arrested during the anti -repair case during the anti -repair case said on the National Security Law program that he participated in the change of planning and managed emotions from the middle school to avoid being incited and instigated"" ".

The Hong Kong Police released a two -minute video on Facebook on Tuesday (December 5). At the same time, the video was introduced from the National Security Law Information Program launched by the Hong Kong wireless TV at the end of November.

The protagonist of the video was Zeng Zhijian, a 22 -year -old man who was arrested during the anti -repair struggle in 2019.In front of the camera, he told him that he participated in the fight and fled, but did not show his face.

Zeng Zhijian said that he would go to the streets to fight, mainly because "the atmosphere seemed to be getting more and more intense at the time, so when everyone did this, the more he walked."The show said that Zeng Zhijian simply supported the anti -repair campaign at the beginning, and then "someone provided him with equipment."

The program said that Zeng Zhijian was arrested during the riots on October 1, 2019; during the bail, he met the middleman through the same case.

The middleman lobby Zeng Zhijian to abandon the absconding, and he gave all the savings of HK $ 100,000 (S $ 17,000) to the other party for arrangements."(Waiting for the escape) have experienced insufficient electricity, lack of food, and no bed. I tried to hide in a carton when they were transferred to the hiding place."

The program said that Zeng Zhijian was arrested by the police when he was arranged by the middlemen to leave Hong Kong with other people.

Zeng Zhijian finally said in the program: "I have participated in some" reasonable "more planning plans along the way, let me learn how to manage my emotions. Before doing thingsThe consequences are actually just ourselves and their families. "

Comprehensive Network Media "Hong Kong 01" and Ming Pao reported that Zeng Zhijian was arrested in July 2022 and the other three of the cases involved in anti -repair cases when he was ready to take a speedboat.In October this year, Zeng Zhijian was sentenced to 47 months for 47 months for the riots and absconding.