The US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Commission has passed a bill asking US President to cancel the privileges and exemptions to the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Hong Kong without enjoying a high degree of autonomy.The Hong Kong Government and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong strongly condemned this and demanded that the United States immediately stopped interbering Hong Kong affairs.

The US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Commission is on Wednesday (November 29th) local time (November 29). With 39 votes in favor and zero votes, it has been revised and passed the certification bill of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office.


Act will be submitted to the general House of the House later for review.If all legislative procedures are completed, the U.S. government will certify whether the three Hong Kong economic and trade offices are currently located in Washington, New York and San Francisco within 30 days after the bill of promulgation of the bill. It should enjoy privilege and exemption rights.

If the administrative agency believes that the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office should no longer enjoy diplomatic privileges, these offices must terminate operation within 180 days; if the administrative agency believes that the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office should continue to enjoy diplomatic privileges, Congress still has the right to reject it.If the resolution is finally approved, the administrative department must revoke the diplomatic privilege of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office.

Smith, a member of the United States who participated in the proposal of the bill, pointed out that the Chinese and Hong Kong government violated international law and ignored the legal binding statement of Sino -British joint statements and compressed political prisoners with their eyes.

He said that the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office was given the diplomatic privilege of the embassy similar to the embassy., Constantly harassing Hong Kong democrats exiled to the United States.

Smith believes that the new bill can force the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office to consolidate or reorganize into non -governmental organizations, thereby causing the office to lose the harassment of diplomatic shields harassed in Hong Kong in the United States.

The Hong Kong Government issued a statement on Thursday, which expressed strong condemnation, criticizing the relevant bills as a conspiracy to destroy trade relations due to individual political interests.The statement urged the United States to not violate the basic criteria of international relations, and immediately stopped the political discredit attack and interference in Hong Kong affairs in Hong Kong.

A spokesman for the Special Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong also accused the United States offered a bill involving Hong Kong, harmed Hong Kong, interfered in China's internal affairs, and asked the United States to return to the positive road to promote mutual trust cooperation between China and the United States with actual actions.The plan to curb Hua ".

Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer of Hong Kong University of Technology Hong Kong Specialized College, was judged during the interview with Lianhe Morning Post. At present, American politics will use anti -China mainstream. In addition, next year will be an American election.I believe that the bill has a lot of opportunities to pass and implement.

Chen Weiqiang said that the economic and trade relations between Hong Kong and the United States have always been close. If the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Hong Kong is forced to close the museum, it will more or less affect the exchanges between Hong Kong and the United States in the future.Chamber of Commerce promoted Hong Kong in the United States.

Li Xiuheng, president of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Chamber of Commerce, also believes that the certification bill of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office will inevitably affect Hong Kong because Hong Kong and the United States have always had business exchanges.And investors less investment opportunities, or increase investment costs.

He hopes that the Hong Kong Government can do more lobbying work and use Hong Kong's partners to help Hong Kong to speak, so that the American folk understands that the bill is not good for the United States and Hong Kong.