Hong Kong will develop the "headquarters economy" and attract enterprises to set up headquarters in Hong Kong. Foreigners registered in Hong Kong can "sign one and go" to mainland China.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao issued a policy report on Wednesday (October 25), proposing to develop the "headquarters economy", attract high -quality enterprises in Hong Kong, and assist foreign companies to introduce and go out with mainland companies.

In order to attract more foreign companies to the establishment of Hong Kong, it facilitates its personnel to discuss business north. From Thursday (October 26), foreign staff of registered companies in Hong Kong can apply to the mainland visa application service in Hong Kong.The center, apply for a two -year or more "one -signing and multi -line" visa to the mainland, and will be accelerated.

Hong Kong will also introduce the company's relocation mechanism to facilitate companies registered in other places, especially companies with the Asia -Pacific region as the core of the business, and move the registered place to Hong Kong. The goal is to submit legislative suggestions in the first half of next year.The Investment Promotion Agency and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will take the initiative to contact major Hong Kong listed companies registered in other places to encourage them to move to Hong Kong.

During the crown disease epidemic, many multinational companies moved their headquarters away from Hong Kong.Li Jiachao said in the governance report that in terms of "grabbing enterprises", the Hong Kong government has been in contact with more than 200 key enterprises, and 30 is planning to settle in Hong Kong or expand its business in Hong Kong, involving a new investment in about 30 billion Hong Kong dollars (S $ 5.246 billion)Um, it is expected to provide about 10,000 employment opportunities.

Li Jiachao said that the government will continue to grab enterprises, especially advanced technology companies.

Hong Kong also restarted the investment immigration plan, which stipulates that investors who invest in shares, funds, bonds and other assets (except real estate) of HK $ 30 million (S $ 5.276700) or above are eligible investors.Come to Hong Kong through planning to enhance the development advantages of Hong Kong's assets and wealth management, finance and related professional service communities. The details are announced this year.

According to the Hong Kong media East Network report, Liang Yanying, director of ancient international groups, believes that each person's investment of HK $ 30 million in financial assets is a bit weak in the Hong Kong asset management industry, but it is believed that the overall economy of Hong Kong is not great.It is also difficult to become a catalyst for Hong Kong stocks.