Hong Kong will reduce the stamp duty from the current 0.13%to 0.1%.

Comprehensive Hong Kong media reports, the Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao on Wednesday (October 25) said in the second policy report during the release that the booming stock market is to consolidate Hong Kong as the status of international financial centers and international international financial centers and international international financial centers and international international financial centers.Competitiveness is pivotal.In order to promote the liquidity of the stock market, he accepted the suggestion that the stamp tax rate of the stock was 0.13%from the current buying and seller's each.

This adjustment means that the stamp duty returned to the level before August 2021; the Hong Kong government's goal was completed at the end of November and implemented it in the same month.

The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Professional Association described that the reduction of stock stamp duty "cup water" is difficult to cope with the severe challenges facing the current market.Fund flowing into the Hong Kong stock market.

The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Professional Association believes that the Hong Kong government should take more decisive actions, further reduce the stamp duty of the stock, and even consider the abolition of this tax to increase the liquidity of the market, which will help attract moreMany domestic and foreign companies are listed in Hong Kong.