In recent years, the international political situation has become increasingly complicated, and the Chinese government has paid more and more attention to national security. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will complete the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law next year.Some interviewed scholars believe that this legislation will not affect Hong Kong's investment environment.

Li Jiachao, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, published a second policy report on Wednesday (October 25) to launch a series of measures to attract foreign investment and talents on the problem of fatigue of Hong Kong's economic development.In terms of fighting for enterprises, the policy report announced the development of the "headquarters economy" and attracted companies at home and abroad to set up headquarters or branch business in Hong Kong.

In addition, in order to attract more foreign companies to the establishment of Hong Kong, facilitate their personnel to discuss business in mainland China north, foreign personnel who registered companies in Hong Kong can apply to Mainland China Visa Application Service Center in Hong Kong for two years.Or the above "one visa and multiple lines" visa, and will be accelerated.

Hong Kong will also introduce the company's relocation mechanism in order to register a company in other places, especially the Asia -Pacific region as the core of the business to move the registered place to Hong Kong. The goal is to submit legislative suggestions in the first half of next year.The Hong Kong Investment Promotion Agency and the Hong Kong Exchange will actively come into contact with major Hong Kong listed companies registered in other places and encourage them to relocate to Hong Kong.

In terms of grabbing talents, the Hong Kong Government will open Vietnamese talents to work in Hong Kong to employment, and at the same time open Laos and Nepal talents to come to Hong Kong for employment.The official will also set up a "Talent Service Office" and expand the list of university lists to expand the "High -end Talent Pass Plan" to expand and absorb the talent network around the world.

Hong Kong will also restart the investment immigration plan, which stipulates that investment in stocks, funds, bonds and other assets (except real estate) of HK $ 30 million (S $ 5.276,700) or above in Hong Kong or aboveIn order to enhance the development advantages of Hong Kong assets and wealth management, finance and related professional service community.

Another focus of this year's governance report is national security.Li Jiachao criticized in the policy report that some countries deliberately targeted China due to their own interests, hindering the successful practice of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong, and continued to intervene in Hong Kong affairs.The Hong Kong Government is trying to study the effective legislative plan of Article 23 of the Basic Law, implement the constitutional responsibility of the SAR government to practice, and complete the legislation within 2024.

He believes that after the 2019 incident, he will understand the importance of national security.The Hong Kong Government will ensure that citizens understand legislation to protect them and ensure that they continue to freely carry out daily activities. Citizens do not need to worry about security threats, especially national security threats.

At the same time, the policy report also announced the launch of patriotism education, set up a "patriotic education work group" to coordinate government departments and non -governmental institutions to promote national education and dock with the content of Chinese patriotic education law;Home Museum introduces the history of China and the Anti -Japanese War.

Ye Liu Shuyi, the convener of the Executive Council, pointed out that the completion of 23 legislation is the constitutional responsibility of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and she is happy to complete the legislation by the Hong Kong government for next year.However, Zhuo Zhuolan, deputy chairman of the Democratic Party Shatian District Council, believes that officials need to explain 23 articles to the public and the Hong Kong National Security Law in order to carry out legislative work.

Liu Zhaojia, a consultant of the China Hong Kong and Macau Research Association, pointed out in an interview with the United Zard that in recent years, the Chinese government has paid more and more attention to national security and has launched relevant laws many times.The Hong Kong Government made it clear about 23 legislation next year, reflecting that the central government believes that Hong Kong cannot become a gap in national security, and it is necessary to legislate as soon as possible.

Liu Zhaojia said that the Hong Kong government launched 23 legislation in 2003, and later shelved due to social opposition.In recent years, the political situation in Hong Kong and the world has changed greatly. Many non -traditional national security issues have occurred, including the Internet, finance, etc. The content of 23 legislative draft legislations launched next year should be different from the 2003 version.

Liu Zhaojia pointed out that the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law has been implemented for three years, and it is not related to the national security case and business activities, indicating that the state security law affects the investment environment.He believes that foreign capital is most concerned about whether the Hong Kong market is still favorable. Article 23 legislation is not a priority consideration.