Hangzhou New Oriental was reported to make up for illegal classes in the summer vacation, and was ordered to stop running a school and fined more than 150,000 yuan (about S $ 2.8017).

Comprehensive Surging News and Observer Network reported on Monday (November 20) that a video blogger released a series of short videos to shoot New Oriental's summer reimbursement on social media in early August this year.The report was reported to the Education Bureau of Gongshu District of Hangzhou, and said that the Education Bureau of Hangzhou Gongshu District notified him that he had set up a joint investigation team with relevant departments to intervene in the investigation.

Hangzhou New Oriental Customer Service said on August 11 that Hangzhou New Oriental has stopped classes in full, and the recovery time is yet to be determined.

In this regard, some netizens in Hangzhou have left a message, asking "to return to the new Oriental fairness and restore high school students to make up lessons."

The Hangzhou Education Bureau replied that the opinions issued by the General Office of the State Council on further reducing the burden of students' homework and off -school training during the compulsory education stage clearly stipulated that off -campus training institutions must not occupy national statutory holidays, rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days, and rest days,Organize discipline training during the winter and summer vacations.

The information disclosure website of the administrative punishment results of Zhejiang Province shows that the Hangzhou Gongshu District Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau ordered New Oriental Company to stop running a school and refund the charging costs, and fined illegal income of RMB 153,787.50.

The subject of punishment is the fifth branch of Daguan Road, Hangzhou Bachelor Education Technology Co., Ltd.According to the information of Tianyancha, Hangzhou Bachelor Education Technology Co., Ltd. used to use Hangzhou New Oriental Education Consulting Co., Ltd.