With the peak of the pediatric outpatient emergency department in many places in China, doctors judge that there have been cross -infection of influenza and mycoplasma.

According to the People's Daily, a reporter from the People's Daily Health Client learned from many hospitals from Henan, Hebei, Guangxi and other places from November 3rd to 4th that the number of patients in pediatric clinics is still in a high operation stateThe disease of the child is mainly the respiratory disease.

For this reason, while many hospitals actively take the consultation, they also take a series of positive measures to ensure the medical treatment.In order to ensure the timely consultation of patients, many hospitals choose to adhere to the "continuous" at noon, "extended" in the evening, and add pediatric evening clinic or pediatrics.

When the reporter visited the hospital, it was found that the outpatient clinic of the hospital was everywhere, and the medical guidance and security personnel were everywhere.

In the waiting corridor of the Pediatric Outpatient Clinic of the Changying Hospital of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, two rows of seats are almost filled. It is not easy to find the space. Some parents simply take their children to wait a little farther waitingDistrict rest.Among these children, there are both babies of dental language and primary and secondary school students in school uniforms.Some children occasionally cough, some children are weakly leaning on the armrests and waiting for the doctor.

In Henan, Zhou Rongyi, deputy chief physician of the pediatric department of the first affiliated hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said: "The current pediatric clinic is close to saturation.The amount is close to 20,000, and the average daily is close to 3,000.Pneumonia.many.