中共中央军委副主席张又侠星期一(10月On the 30th) Non -name criticism in the United States said that individual countries deliberately create turbulence, and artificially manufacture many geographical contradictions, and long -term pulled partiality, resulting in complex and difficult regional situation.

Zhang Youxia made a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum.

He said: "People with conscience all over the world are looking forward to peace, development, cooperation, and win -win. But some countries always hold you with zero -sum thinking that you lose and me, and believe in the jungle law of weak meat and strong food., Great Group Politics, the unilateralism of building wall -building, and unilateralism, making our world full of haze and humanitarian disasters of war. "

In the context of Harbin conflict, Zhang Youxia urged all countries to "work hard to eliminate the conflict between war and war", and accused individual countries of fearing that the world would not be chaotic, deliberately created turbulence, intervened in regional affairs, interfered with other domestic politics, and moved the color revolution.You must not be peaceful. "

He does not name the United States who says that some countries "even bury nails for their own private privately, and artificially create a lot of geographical contradictions.Started the war of agents to collect the advantages of fishermen. "

Zhang Youxia also warned the Taiwan issue.He emphasized: "Taiwan is the core of China's core interests, and a Chinese principle is a common consensus in the international community. No matter who wants to split Taiwan from any form in any form, the Chinese army will never agree, and it will never be soft."