Former Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang died in the early morning of last Friday (October 27) due to sudden heart disease.Newspaper cut newspaper.

The Peking University report on Sunday (October 29) published an article entitled by the official WeChat public account entitled deeply remembering Li Keqiang alumni, saying that the news of Li Keqiang's death came, "Peking University teachers and students are immersed in deep grief in deep griefAmong them ".

The article states that Li Keqiang is an outstanding alumni at Peking University.He studied at the Law Department of Peking University from 1978 to 1982; he worked at Peking University from 1982 to 1983 to serve as secretary of the Peking University Youth League Committee and Standing Committee of the Communist Youth League; from 1988 to 1994, he returned to Peking University for further studies and studied for a graduate degree at the School of Economics.

The article wrote that Li Keqiang worked hard during the undergraduate study of Peking University and grew into the backbone of the students. Most of them were reported from Peking University.The first appearance was at the end of the Social Sciences Seminar of our school's student social sciences on June 14, 1980 -In the twenty articles and articles of the excellent papers, he wrote the system and information of the rule of law machine and society and information.And control a article is rated as an excellent paper.

The article said that after working at Peking University's school, the school magazine also recorded Li Keqiang's growth footprint as a young cadre: On March 2, 1982, our school held the 13th League Congress, which recorded him.The wonderful opening of the first system of the first system system.

The article was finally attached to the relevant newspaper, saying "the grief of Li Keqiang alumni with alumni".

Peking University Research Li Keqiang was in the Peking University school.The system, information and control of the rule of law and society written during the school period.(Peking University Newspaper WeChat account)

The official Weibo of Peking University also published a post on Sunday to memorize Li Keqiang.

Peking University said in the post that Li Keqiang wrote an article in the Centennial Celebration of Peking University and recalled his experience and experience of studying at Peking University.The external gorgeousness is not even the possession of knowledge and wealth, but in its internal power, a tradition that can be permanently continued.The ability of wealth " Peking University attached an article entitled by Li Keqiang in the post, and wrote:" We now re -send this article, pin our sorrows, and deeply remember this outstanding outstanding.Alumni " At 9:20 am on Monday (October 30), the number of readings has been read more than 410,000 times.