As the Harbin conflict led to the rise in the situation in the Middle East, the Chinese Navy ended a visit to Qatar last week.

Xinhua News Agency reported on Sunday (October 29) that the 44th batches of the Chinese Navy's nursing formation ended a visit to Qatar and left the capital of Qatar's capital last Saturday (October 28).

Reported that during the Cartars' visit, the formation commander visited the Castle Armed Forces Chief of Staff Nabit Air Force and Major General Slyiti Navy, commander of the Navy, to communicate.The formation Zibo ship also held a deck recruitment. Representatives of officers and soldiers of the two countries visited the ships to conduct a football friendly match.

According to the Zibo Daily, Zibo ship is the 14th 052D missile destroyer in China and is one of the most advanced destroyers listed by the Chinese Navy.

According to the Global Times, last Wednesday (October 25), China and Saudi Arabia's "Blue Sword-20123" Navy Special Warning Training conducted a comprehensive exercise of maritime force rescue of maritime rescue.

The WeChat account of the "People's Navy" said that since the training on October 9th, the two sides participating in the training team members were mixed according to the rescue, reconnaissance, and support.For nearly three weeks, the two sides were implemented in three stages of basic training, professional training, and comprehensive drills around the 24 courses including boat boat driving, ship climbing, and underwater explosion.

This joint training is the second time of joint training in the navy of the two countries, and it is also the first time that related training has been held in China.

Global Times quoted Chinese military expert Zhang Junshe: "For a long time, China -foreign joint exercises have not targeted third parties, but seek to establish a global security mechanism, especially the establishment of maritime security channel mechanisms."

Another Chinese military expert Song Zhongping believes that whether it is the Saudi Saudi Training or the joint training with other Gulf countries.Get along, there is no more fire.