October 15th is the 110th anniversary of Xi Jinping's father Xi Jinping's father Xi Jinping's father. Shaanxi and Guangdong official media issued a article on the same day to remember his contribution to China's development.

The CPC Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee reported on Sunday (October 15) in Shaanxi Daily (October 15) entitled "The Mass Leaders who came out of the masses from the masses" — to commemorate the 110th anniversary of Comrade Xi Zhongxun's birthday,He said that Xi Zhongxun was the outstanding party member of the Communist Party of China, the great Communist warrior, the outstanding proletarian revolutionary and the outstanding political work leaders who came out of the Sanqin land.

The article means that as one of the main founders and leaders of the Shaanxi -Gansu Revolutionary Base, Xi Zhongxun was born for the liberation of the Chinese people and the New China.The cause of socialism has established an indelible historical merit.

The article wrote: "I remember his great achievements, remember his revolutionary style, learn his lofty character, and compose a new chapter in Shaanxi, which is struggling to write Chinese -style modern construction, and strive for the construction of a strong country and the unremitting national rejuvenation.It is of great significance. "

The Guangdong Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China also published an article entitled by the Pearl River on Sundays on Sunday, which commemorates Xi Zhongxun's merits established by Guangdong's reform and opening up.

The article said that during the period of the Lord's administration, Xi Zhongxun adhered to the truth, the strong spirit of the revolution and the desperate spirit of the CCP and the people's cause.Leading a group of people from the Provincial Party Committee, randomly disappointed anyway, fully rehabilitating the wrong cases of unjust, false and false cases, and promoted Guangdong to take a step in reform and opening up, and did a lot of pioneering work in reform and opening up.contribute.

Public information shows that Xi Zhongxun was born on October 15, 1913 in Shengfuping County, Shaanxi. He was once the Vice Premier of China, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, and the vice chairman of the National People's Congress.Shaanxi is his hometown and the starting point of his revolution, and Guangdong is the province of his main administration and his later life.

In addition to the official media commemorating, some places have also held commemorative activities.For example, on Thursday (October 12), Shaanxi Province held the 90th anniversary symposium to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Shaanxi -Gansu -Gansu Revolutionary Revolutionary Revolutionary Revolutionary Revolutionary Revolutionary Revolutionary Revolutionary Revolutionary Revolutionary Revolution in Tongchuan City.Xi Zhongxun's second son Xi Yuan attended the seminar.