In order to maintain the liquidity of the banking system and meet the needs of financial institutions, the People's Bank of China on Monday (October 16) was invested 289 billion yuan (RMB) through the mid -term borrowing facilities (MLF).Yuan).

According to the announcement issued by the official website of the People's Bank of China, the central bank launched a 106 billion yuan open market reverse repurchase operation and 789 billion yuan MLF operation on Monday, which fully meets the needs of financial institutions.Change.

Surging News reported that, in view of the 500 billion yuan MLF expired this month, the central bank invested 289 billion yuan in MLF in October.

According to statistics, the central bank has continued to make MLF for 11 consecutive months, and has greatly expanded the scale of net release for two consecutive months.Since December last year, the increase has been increased by 127.5 million yuan.

Since the beginning of this year, MLF interest rates have lowered 10 basis points and 15 basis points in June and August, respectively, and a total of 25 basis points were reduced, and the remaining months will not move.

Since late August, in order to promote consumption, stabilize investment, and expand domestic demand, the Central Bank of China has densely implemented a series of interest rate policies, including lowered the company's new loan ratio, reducing the first home loan interest rate, etc.Targeting and synergy are significantly enhanced.