(Beijing Comprehensive News) China will hold a meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress next week. The agenda includes "reviewing the relevant arbitrary and free case". The outside world pays attention to whether Li Shangfu, the Minister of Defense, who has not appeared in this and a half months, will be dismissed at the meeting.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the 13th Chairman Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress of China was held on Friday (October 13) in Beijing.Meeting.The outside world pays attention to whether the conference will avoid the position of the defense chief of Li Shangfu and pass the appointment of the new defense ministers.

Li Shangfu has not appeared publicly since August 29, and it is reported that he was investigated for corruption.

Reuters quoted the source on October 12 that Liu Zhenli, a member of the CPC Central Military Commission and chief of staff of the Joint Staff of the Military Commission, was expected to replace Li Shangfu as the defense director.Sources also said that Chinese officials may officially announce this appointment before October 29th to 31st.

The outside world predicts that if Li Shangfu is exempted, the new defense minister may appear at the Xiangshan Forum and give a speech.

Public information shows that Liu Zhenli, 59, has participated in the Sino -Vietnamese War. He is currently the youngest member of the 20th Central Committee and the youngest member of the leadership of the Central Military Commission.

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily, Lanfo An, Secretary of the Party Group of the Ministry of Finance recently, and Yin Hejun, Secretary of the Party Group of the Ministry of Science and Technology, may also be appointed as the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Science and Technology at the meeting.