(Beijing/Shanghai Comprehensive News) The China National Health and Health Commission issued a report on Thursday (October 12) showing that the birth of China was 9.56 million last year.Low fertility crisis.

According to Xinhuanet, the China National Health and Health Commission released the statistical communiqué of China's health care development in 2022, showing that among China's birth population in 2022, the two children accounted for 38.9%, and the proportion of three children and above was 15.0%.This also means that the proportion of one child in China was 46.1%of last year, less than 50%.

Reuters pointed out that with this calculation, the number of births in China decreased by 10%last year, the lowest level in history.

In order to boost the fertility level, the Chinese government has launched many policies and supporting support measures covering housing, childcare, etc. in recent years. However, the continuous decline in the birth rate of the population shows that the child's willingness to have for fertility is still lower.

According to the First Financial Report, Qiao Jie, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the director of the Ministry of Medicine of Peking University in August, stated in a forum that the number of Chinese newborn population has fallen by about 40%in the past five years.China/Story20230808-1421655 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> It is estimated that the number of births in 2023 is about 7 million to 8 million .

This view has also caused controversy.The interface news quotes Chinese population expert He Yafu, saying that it is possible that the population of birth in 2023 is less than 9 million, but the possibility of less than 8 million.