The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in the casualties of Pakistani conflict with Chinese citizens that it has been confirmed that in the new round of Palestinian -Israeli conflict, three Chinese have been killed and the two have lost contact.

It is reported that a new round of Palestinian conflict has caused more than 10,000 people to be injured, including many foreign citizens.There are currently 22 American citizens who have died or more than 10 British citizens have died or disappeared.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin on Thursday (October 12) at a regular press conference, introducing Chinese citizens' casualties in the Pakistani conflict in the latest round. It is understood that it has been confirmed that it has been confirmed at presentThree Chinese citizens were killed in the conflict, the two lost contact, and several were injured.

Wang Wenbin said that China expressed her mourning for the victims and expressed her sincere condolences to the family members and wounded of the victims.Relevant diplomatic agencies in China are doing their best to coordinate the treatment of wounded, do a good job in the aftermath of the victims, and urge foreign countries to search and rescue people with all effective measures to ensure the safety of Chinese personnel and institutions.