After eight years, the Central Huijin Company has increased its holdings of the four major state -owned banks in China, which may help boost investor confidence in the stock market.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and First Financial Report, the Central Huijin Company announced on Wednesday (October 11) that it has recently increased its holdings of ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, and Construction Bank in the secondary market.Stocks will continue to increase their holdings in the next six months.According to the relevant disclosure of major banks and the latest closing price calculation, Huijin Company has increased the total value of about 477 million yuan (about S $ 89 million) in the four major state -owned banks in this round.

The A -share Foundation of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index opened 3,100 points when the market opened on Thursday (12th), and the Hang Seng Index of the Hong Kong stocks increased by more than 2%.In terms of banking stocks, the Hong Kong stocks of Construction Bank rose more than 5%. In order to increase the largest increase in the market since November last year, ICBC and Bank of China rose more than 2%in A shares.

Before the increase in holdings this time, Huijin Company held 140.87 billion A shares of Agricultural Bank of China, accounting for about 40.03%of the total share capital;; Holding 142.786 billion shares held by Construction Bank, accounting for 57.11%; ICBC A shares were 123.718 billion shares, accounting for 34.71%.

After this increase, Huijin Company's shareholding in Agricultural Bank, Bank of China, Construction Bank, and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China increased by 0.01%, which will increase to 40.04%, 64.03%, 57.12%, and 34.72%respectively.Essence

The Central Huijin Company is a wholly state -owned company invested by the State Corporation of the People's Republic of China by the People's Republic of China. According to the authorization of the State Council, the state -owned financial enterprises are invested in equity.Financial enterprises exercise the rights of investors and fulfill their obligations of the investor, and realize the preservation and appreciation of state -owned financial assets.The Central Huijin Company does not carry out any other commercial business activities, and does not interfere with the daily business activities of state -owned key financial enterprises controlled by it.

CICC analysts pointed out in the report that the current entry of Huijin Company's account not only brings marginal incremental funds to the market, but also helps stabilize investor confidence.

The report said that Huijin Company had increased its holdings in September 2008, October 2009, October 2011, October 2012, June 2013, and August 2015Greater Guo Bank stocks.Except for 2013, the stock price of the four major countries had a significant rebound of about 10%within one to three months after Huijin's holdings increased.

China has sacrificed a number of measures to activate the capital market in the past few months, including the reduction of stock trading stamp duty and other measures to boost investor confidence, but the market's positive response is limited. ThereforeThe continuity of Zhen is still to be observed, and the market trend also needs to be judged by the further action of Huijin and the "national team".