After a new round of Pakistan conflict, the Chinese government's Middle East issue special envoy Zhai Yan and the Egyptian diplomats of Egyptian Egyptian countries in the Egyptian officials of Egypt, reiterated that China appealed to stop the fire immediately, and said that China was willing to maintain communication and coordination with Egypt, and promoted the conflict between the conflict to stop the fire as soon as possible as soon as possibleStop violence.

The website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also sent a message on Wednesday (October 11) that Zhai Jun also phone with Jia Duomong, the first deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Palestine that day, emphasizing that China will continue to promote suspension of fire and stop violence, actively persuade and promote promotiontalk.

The scholars interviewed by the analysis of China seeking the image of a neutral mediators, but it is expected that it will not be substantially involved in the mediation.= NOFOLLOW target = _blank>

According to Xinhua News Agency, Zhai Jun said on Tuesday (October 10) with Usa Malan, an assistant to the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Palestine's Minister of Foreign Affairs.And it is distressed by a large amount of civilian casualties caused by the conflict.

Follow the outside world at a high degree of attention , China, , ,, Pakistan conflictThe Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs broke out the next day (October 8), a response from the reporter's question, calling on the "related parties" to keep calm and restraint, immediately stop fire, protect civilians, and prevent the situation from further deteriorating.The gentle statement caused the criticism of the Israeli Embassy in China, Yuval Waks, and the majority of party leaders of the United States Senate.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning strengthened its position at a regular launch conference on October 9, clearly put forward that China "oppose and condemn the behavior of harm civilians."

When Zhai Yan and Usa and Jaodo talked separately, they repeatedly described China's statement about the situation in the past few days. The relevant reports of Xinhua News Agency did not mention Hamas.

Zhai Yan said: "We oppose and condemn the behavior of hurting civilians, and call for an immediately ceasefire."

He emphasized that the fundamental way out of the Pakistani conflict lies in the implementation of the "two countries 'plans". The international community should make practical efforts to promote the "two countries' solutions" with the greatest urgency.

China has strived to shape the image of peaceful creators on the international stage this year.China sorted Saudi Arabia and Iran in March, and also received Palestinian President Abbas and Syrian President Assad in June and September.Whether China will seek to play the role of mediation in the Israeli conflict has become the focus of the outside world.

Zhai Yan shows that it is willing to maintain communication and coordination with Egypt, promote the conflict between the conflict and stop fire as soon as possible, promote the formation of joint efforts in the international community, and "provide humanitarian support to the Palestinian people to avoid worsening the humanitarian crisis in Palestine, especially the Gaza region,"Essence

During the call of Zhai Jun and Jiaduo, it urged the international community to play a role, jointly promote the situation to cool down, and provide humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people.

Egypt is an neighbor of Israel and Palestine. It has a common border with the two countries and played the role of medium in the past conflict of Baza.After the outbreak of the Pakistani conflict, senior officials and leaders of the United States, France, and Arab Emirates have dialogues with Egypt.

Raffaello Pantucci, a senior researcher at the Singapore Nanyang University of Technology Raffaello Pantucci, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that "China is joining the ranks of other major countries in the world to help Egypt a helping hand"; China is displayed to the outside world to display the outside world.Like other big powers, they have the ability to play some roles in the Baza conflict, and also seek to establish a neutral image.

As for whether China will seek to play the role of mediation in the Baza conflict, Pan Ruifan believes that China seeks to establish the image of a mediation person, but the Pakistani conflict has little impact on China's spillover. Therefore, China may provide talk opportunities and political discussions.But there is no need to intervene in mediation and increase your risks.

Zhuang Jiaying, an associate professor of the Department of Political Department of the National University of Singapore, analyzed in an analysis in an interview that Beijing has always been friendly to different Palestinian political forces including Hamas, and has repeatedly supported the "two countries' programs".Therefore, it has the potential to play the role of mediation."The key lies in whether China has the ability and willingness, and how much political costs are willing to pay."