Hou Youyi, a Taiwanese candidate for the Kuomintang, said that because he did not see the reconciliation of both sides of the strait, he agreed to increase national defense budgets at this stage, and pointed out that dialogue and strength could be developed at the same time.

According to the United Daily report, when Hou Youyi accepted an exclusive interview with radio on Thursday (October 12), he was asked whether he recognized Tsai Ing -wen's current statement of improving national defense budgets and constantly conducting military purchase.Hou Youyi said that according to the current situation, the proportion of future defense budgets in the future may become higher and higher, and it is said that the most important thing is to take priority to Taiwan.

Hou Youyi pointed out that the most important thing now is the relationship between peace, the United States and China and the Indo -Pacific relationship between the two sides of the strait, and emphasizing how to stabilize the Taiwan Strait is the most important thing in Taiwan selected this time.

Hou Youyi said that when he visited, he made it clear that the most important thing was to prepare for war, to ensure peace with strength, and to enhance friendship with communication.He emphasized that to negotiate with people and create a win -win situation, not double losses, the best way is to dialogue and exchange.

Hou Youyi pointed out that his "3D Strategy" is to disassemble and strengthen the national defense army reserve, so that the other party dares not to launch the war, but also talks.At first, you can move from scholars, experts to folk groups, and finally to the official communication mode, and you can move from dialogue to communication. "Who can really wipe the gun and get angry?"