The Chinese capital Beijing will completely ban the "low and slow" aircraft such as the "Belt and Road" summit forum.

According to the Beijing Daily, the Beijing Public Security Bureau released the Beijing Public Security Bureau on strengthening the 3rd “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum during the “Low Child” on Thursday (October 12).Notice of aircraft management.

The announcement is clear. From 00:00 on October 16th to the 24th period of October 19th, in the administrative area of ​​Beijing, all units, organizations, and individuals use drones such as "low and small small and small and small, small and small, small and small, small and small, small and small, small and small, small, small and small, small and small, small and small, small and small."Avoer performs various sports, entertainment, advertising flight activities.

"Low and Small" aircraft refers to the aircraft appliance with a flight height below 1000 meters, a flight speed of less than 200 kilometers per hour, and a radar reflection area less than 2 square meters.Twelve categories such as hot air balloon), gliding umbrella, air models and other 12 categories.

In addition, according to the relevant announcements issued in 2014, Beijing also prohibits the production, sales, and the placement of Kong Ming lanterns.Kong Mingli uses light fire to heat the air to generate power to lift off, and its own weight is light. It is easy to fall after encountering gusts or collision tall buildings. Once it falls to flammable items, it is easy to cause fires.

Beijing police will continue to severely investigate and deal with relevant departments to crack down on illegal acts of low -slow air aircraft and Kong Ming lanterns. For individuals or units that violate criminal law, the police will investigate their criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying announced on Wednesday (October 11) that the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum will be held in Beijing from October 17th to 18th. Chinese countries will be held.Chairman Xi Jinping will also attend the opening ceremony, give a keynote speech, and hold a welcome banquet and bilateral activities for the guests who go to China to attend the forum.