The Chinese government's Middle East issue special envoy Zhai Jun on Thursday (October 12), with the Pakistani conflict, and the deputy chief director of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rafael Harpaz, who is responsible for Asia -Pacific affairs, and condemned the damageThe behavior of innocent civilians and calls for stopping fire as soon as possible.

According to a press release issued by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Zhai Yan said in the call that China has deeply concerned about the intensive tension and violence upgrades, which is distressed by civilian casualties caused by the conflict.Express condolences.

Zhai Yan emphasized that China condemned the behavior of harming the innocent civilians, and called for as soon as possible to stop fire as soon as possible. Based on the "two countries' solutions", recovery peace talks to enhance the people's confidence in realizing peace.He also said that the international community should effectively play a role to prevent the upgrading of the situation and cause humanitarian disasters.

Zhai Yan reiterated that China has no private interest on the Palestinian issue, always standing on the side of peace, standing on fairness and justice.China sincerely hopes to live peacefully with both parties in Pakistan, and is willing to talk and talk with the international community to create conditions for peace.

The press release also said that Hapaz introduced the view and position of Evai's current situation in the situation of the Pakistani, and said that the Fangfang will fully protect the Chinese citizens in the territory.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin announced at a regular press conference on Thursday that three Chinese citizens have been confirmed that three Chinese citizens were killed in the new round of Pakistan. The two lost contact and several people were injured.

The Israeli ambassador to China Pan Qirui revealed the call arrangement in an interview with Bloomberg and said, "If China wants to be a regional participant, it must take a more balanced position."

Zhai Jun has previously aimed at the situation of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Palestine's assistant Usama, and the first deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Palestine.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the interruption of the reporter issued the next day (8th) issued by the Baza conflict, calling on the relevant parties to maintain a calm and restraint, immediately stop the fire, protect the civilians, and prevent the situation from further deteriorating, but the article has not failed in the article.Named criticism of the Palestinian radical organization Hamas.