The latest report announced by the China Internet job search platform hunting and recruitment states that the monthly salary of fresh graduates in 2023 reached 10,000,342 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 1930), an increase of 1050 yuan from 2019.However, most Chinese netizens are not convinced of this data, and some people in the industry have pointed out that recruiting monthly salary cannot reflect the real salary.

According to the Beijing News Shell Financial Report, the employment trend and prospect of the national college graduates released on Wednesday (October 11) released on Wednesday (October 11) showed that compared with the 2022, 2023 colleges and universitiesGraduate recruitment salary and expectations of expectations have decreased slightly, but it has improved significantly compared to the 2021 session.

The report states that the average monthly salary of 9292 yuan for students' posts in 2021, 1023 yuan is 10,342 yuan, up 1050 yuan in three years; 2021 college graduates expect a monthly salary of 7,417 yuan, and the 2023 session is 8033 yuan, Rat 616 yuan in three years.

The location of the place where it is located, the monthly salary of the current graduate of Beijing's fresh graduates is 13,283 yuan, but it is slightly lower than the expected monthly salary of 13,808 yuan.12317 yuan ranked second and third.From the perspective of the industry, the highest monthly salary is the field of artificial intelligence, which is 18,592 yuan, followed by blockchain, pension services and aerospace equipment.

After the relevant data was released, the topic of "the average monthly salary of 10,342 yuan for fresh graduates in 2023" was first on the top of the Weibo Search List. Many netizens left a message to question the authenticity of the data.Some netizens mocked themselves that they have worked for a few years, and their salary is still thousands of yuan. Some netizens have questioned the average number that cannot explain the problem, and the median and the number are more convincing.Some netizens bluntly stated that this number is higher than that of China's per capita GDP. "This year's employment environment is particularly not good. Is it suspected of misleading or even rumor?"On the 12th), people who did not have the industry also said that the recruitment salary did not reflect the real salary.

It is reported that the recruitment salary is only a reference price given by the enterprise during the recruitment, which is affected by the market supply and demand, industry characteristics, and job needs., Factors such as work performance, welfare benefits.Therefore, the recruitment salary does not fully represent the income level of the workers, nor can it completely reflect the living standards of the workers.