中国全国政协新闻发言人郭卫民说,今年就业The total pressure is indeed relatively large, and the stability of employment still faces many difficulties and challenges. Many government departments take the stability of employment as an important part of this year's work.

Guo Weimin on Friday (March 3) at National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference press conference, answered the answer, answered the answer.Lianhe Zaobao reporter's question on China's employment situation this year.

Guo Weimin said that the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was very concerned about employment issues. Last year, the Economic Council took the theme of "supporting the stable development of small and medium -sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households to increase employment"."The theme of employment" has carried out special investigations as an important content of negotiation and discussing politics.Many of the opinions and suggestions made by the CPPCC members have been valued and adopted by government departments, which has played a positive role in stabilizing employment.

For China's employment situation this year, Guo Weimin said that members believe that the total pressure of the total employment this year is indeed relatively large. It is expected that there are more than 11.5 million college graduates alone, and there are more employment.At the same time, there is a gap between the skills of the workers and the needs of the job, and the structural contradictions are relatively prominent. The stability of employment still faces many difficulties and challenges.

Guo Weimin said that there are also favorable conditions for stable employment this year. With the optimization and adjustment of China's epidemic prevention policy and the further implementation of various economic measures, the economy has continued to recover, providing solid support for stable employment.A series of policies and measures issued by departments and departments will also provide a strong guarantee for stabilizing employment.

He said that when many government departments talked about this year's work, they regarded stable employment as an important part of this year's work.

Guo Weimin pointed out that employment issues are related to millions of households and are a systematic project that requires government, enterprises, related institutions, individuals, and all parties to work together.The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference will continue to take employment issues as a key task for negotiation and discuss politics, and actively build and consolidate consensus.