China Foreign Minister Qin Gang Qin Gang on Friday (March 3) refuted the allegations about China trying to interfere with Canadian elections in a statement.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Qin Gang met with the Foreign Minister of the Kuoma Group in New Delhi on Thursday (2nd) at New Delhi.Charges of Canadian elections.

Qin Gang said that China is completely unique and nonsense to the "interference behavior", and China has resolutely opposed it.He said that China never interfered with other domestic politics, and also opposed that any country interfered with domestic politics.

Statement pointed out that the Chinese embassy in Canada adheres to the Convention on Foreign Relations of Vienna and is committed to promoting Sino -Canadian relations and exchanges and cooperation in various fields.The Canadian party should take practical measures to ensure the normal performance of China's diplomatic institutions in Canada, and prevent rumors and speculation interfere with the relationship between the two countries.

According to Reuters, the Globe and Mail (The Globe and Mail) quoted the confidential documents of the Canadian Security Intelligence Agency in February this year that China has developed a strategy to affect the 2021 Canadian election.Subsequently, the Canadian main opposition party leader Par Valiyfell accused Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's neglect of China's intervention and benefited from it.

Trudeau shows that foreign intervention in Canada is a very serious problem, and Canada must be vigilant about China may interfere with the Canadian elections.

After listening to the testimony of senior intelligence officials, the Canadian Congress passed a motion on Thursday, asking the federal government to conduct public investigations on the allegations of foreign interference elections.The motion is not binding, but it will increase pressure on Truo's Liberal Government, that is, whether to interfere with foreign participants, especially China, to conduct extensive public investigations in the 2021 and 2019 elections.

David Vigneault, director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Agency, pointed out at a Congress of the Congress on Wednesday that there has been no major foreign intervention in Canada's recent elections, but it is reporting and related to the media.Intelligence investigations.