South Korea has reached an agreement with the Chinese government to restore flights between the two countries to the level before the epidemic, and the weekly flight quota of various countries will increase to 608 times.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, according to the agreement, airlines of the two countries will be able to fly in accordance with 608 regular flight quotas per week from Friday (March 3).Since China and Hainan Province are aviation liberalized areas, as long as the airport clearance is available in airports, various airlines can fly their own flights independently.

After the outbreak of the crown disease, the Chinese government has another restriction on international flights outside the flight quota.This has reduced the number of flights between China and South Korea from more than 1,100 classes per week in 2019 to the current 62 classes.

Each aircraft will increase the number of flights to more than 200 flights per week according to the needs of passenger travel and airport conditions, and restore flights in stages.It is expected that this month will increase flights from Incheon to Beijing, Incheon to Shanghai, Incheon to Qingdao, Incheon to Yanji.

The South Korean government sets Incheon Airport as the only measure from Chinese flights to the only entry airport on the 28th of last month. South Korean local airports will also resume international flights to and from China.Busan Airlines has resumed flights from Busan to Yanji on the 1st. Real aviation and Dewei Airlines will resume flights from Jeju to Xi'an and Daegu to Yanji from the 16th.

The South Korean government has also lifted the test measures for crown diseases from Chinese immigrants from March 1.