The number of Chinese employees has decreased by more than 41 million in the past three years. Analysis believes that this reflects the impact of the crown disease epidemic on the economy and the decrease in the age of labor.

The China National Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday (February 28) released by China ’s 2022 National Economic and Social Development Statistics Bulletin shows that at the end of 2022, there were about 733.5 million employees in the country, which was lower than 774.7 billion in 2019Essence

Bloomberg quoted Stuart GIETEL-BASTEN, a population scholar of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology that the reduction of employees reflects many factors, including the rise in the unemployment rate caused by the epidemic, and the "working ageThe number of classic population is reduced.

The number of populations 16 to 59 has gradually declined since 2012.In the past three years, the population of this age has decreased by 38 million to 857.6 billion, a decrease of significantly accelerated from previous years.

Peking University economist Lu Feng said that the changes in population structure are the driving factor for the decline in employment in 2022, and the population of the 60 -year -old retirement age has increased sharply.

Due to the cancellation of epidemic prevention restrictions and the sharp decline in infection cases, the Chinese economy is expected to accelerate this year.

In this context, McGario Securities Chinese economist Hu Weijun predicts that the number of employment in China "this year may increase with people to re -join the labor force."He also said: "Due to the aging population, the number of employment will still maintain a structural downward trend."

According to Bloomberg, although the expected life expectancy has increased, China's retirement age has been in the past 40 years.It has not changed. It is still 60 years old and female 55 years old.The peak of fertility in China in the 1960s means that a large number of working population will disappear from the age group of 16 to 59.

It is reported that China has listed the retirement age reform as one of the main economic tasks this year, and the government work report released at the National People's Congress may provide more details.

On the other hand, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the degree of urbanization of China's labor population has also increased significantly in the past ten years. Economists believe that this trend is conducive to economic growth.Last year, urban employees accounted for approximately 63%of the national employment personnel, which was about 50%higher than ten years ago.

The productivity of Chinese workers is also increasing.The National Bureau of Statistics pointed out that the labor productivity of the whole staff increased by 4.2%in 2022.However, this growth rate has slowed about 6%per year in the 2010s.

Yu Jiadong, deputy minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said at a press conference on Thursday (March 2) that the decrease in China's labor age population is mainly because of the withdrawal of the labor market for aging.It is still a developing country with the most population and labor force.