Yi Gang, President of the People's Bank of China, said that it will promote the introduction of the Financial Stability Law, strengthen the normalized supervision, and support the healthy and standardized development of platform enterprises.

According to the surging news report, Yi Gang attended the "Authoritative Department Talk to Open" series theme press conference on Friday (March 3) to attend the news office held by the State Council of the State Council of China.He said at the meeting that China's financial risks are generally converging, and the reform and resolution of small and medium -sized financial institutions with a few problems have also made important progress.

Yi Gang also said that the Financial Stability Law has passed the first review of the National People's Congress of China, which will promote the introduction of the Financial Stability Law.Investors' interests of insurers do a good job of rectifying the financial services of platform enterprises, strengthening normalized supervision, and supporting the healthy and standardized development of platform enterprises.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the draft of the Financial Stability Law was submitted for the first time on December 27 last year for review.

It is reported that the overall idea of draft legislation is to adhere to the CCP's centralized and unified leadership of financial work, coordinate development and security; adhere to the problem -oriented and systematic concepts, and striveTurnon the full -chain system arrangement of the entire process to clarify relevant responsibilities and measures; adhere to the direction of marketization and rule of law, compact the relevant party's risk disposal responsibilities, not only prevent systemic risks, but also prevent moral risks.Reasonably define the division of responsibilities and improve the work mechanism of coordination and coordination.

There are 69 chapters of this draft, which mainly stipulates that the establishment of a financial stability working mechanism, strengthen the financial risk prevention mechanism, improve the financial risk resolution mechanism, clarify the sources of division of responsibilities and reserve funds for financial risk disposal, and enrich financial risksDisposal measures and other aspects.