Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian said that when she met with Chinese foreign ministers Qin Gang, she talked about the war in Russia and Ukraine, and showed that all countries wanted to see China "doing the right thing" instead of providing weapons to Russia.

The United States and allies have claimed in recent weeks that China is considering providing weapons to Russia and warning Beijing not to do this.China has denied intention to provide weapons to Russia and states that the United States spreads false news.

According to Reuters, Huang Yingxian mentioned the Russian and Ukraine War when he met with Qin Gang when he met with Qin Gang at the sidelines of the G20 (G20) Foreign Minister meeting in New Delhi, India.

She revealed to the media that what happened in Ukraine was "responsible on Russia", but considering the close relationship between China and Russia, the world expects China to play a responsible leadership role in Ukraine.

She said: "Ukraine President Zelezi has said that he is willing to believe that China will do the right thing and will not provide weapons to Russia. This is not only the appeal of Australia, but also the appeal of all countries."

Reuters has previously quoted a number of US officials and other sources reports that the United States is trying to win and fight for close allies. Once China provides military support for Russia, it will impose new sanctions on China.

According to the news released by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday (March 2) in the evening, Qin Gang emphasized that on the Ukraine issue, the core of China's position is to persuade and talk."China has called for a suspension of fire from the beginning. It will continue to play a constructive role for this through diplomatic negotiations."

Qin Gang said that China -Australia should implement the important consensus of the Bali Island Meeting of the two countries, effectively respect the core interests and major concerns of each other, and cherish the positive momentum of stabilizing bilateral relations.The two countries have restarted or restored mechanisms such as diplomacy, economic and trade, etc., and continue to promote dialogue exchanges at all levels.

He also said that the two sides should take the difference and deal with the difference properly, and solve their reasonable concerns.It is hoped that the Australian side will provide a fair, fair, and non -discriminated business environment for Chinese companies to invest in Australia.