
Northern Remember

The first National Congress of the National Congress of the Communist Party of China (the annual meeting of the People's Congress and the CPPCC) after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is about to debut.After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was completed in October last year, the highlight of the two sessions was the establishment of the new State Council, the National People's Congress and the National Committee of the CPPCC.However, the Second Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on February 28 reviewed and approved the reform plan of the party and state institutions. How this reform was carried out immediately became the focus of attention.

Hong Kong and the United States media broke the news last week that the explosion of this round of institutional reform cannot be underestimated. China will appear in two committees of public security, household registration, and anti -terrorism supervision at the party and state.It is the Central Internal Affairs Commission (temporary name) and the Central Financial Working Committee.

These messages were not confirmed by the official media, and the specific situation was still unclear, but the Chinese official's speech on the party on the 28th confirmed that the rumors were not groundless.

Chinese officials said at the Democratic Association held in Zhongnanhai on the day that this reform highlights key industries and fields, "strong targeted, strong strength, a wide range of benefits, and the benefits that are touched."It is related to the difficulty of major and social attention, which will have an important impact on economic and social development.

These speeches have "spoiled" the intensity of this reform and the fields involved.

Chinese officials said that the 20th National Congress is deepening the reform of the financial system, improving the system of the CPC Central Committee of the unified leadership of science and technology, optimizing the government responsibilities system and organizational structure, improving the CPC Central Committee's decision -making negotiation coordination agencies, optimizing the allocation of resource allocation of institutions, promoting advancementLeading grass -roots governance with party building, strengthening corporate party building work, and raising clear requirements for the management system of industry associations, society, and party building work management system.This round of party and state institutional reform is to implement the 20th National Congress.

From this perspective, the party building system of finance, technology, government responsibilities, the CCP's grass -roots governance and industry associations can be determined that the scope of this round of reform can be determined.

Referring to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, of which strong ink highlights security issues, emphasizes that it is necessary to unswervingly implement the overall national security concept, coordinate external and internal security, etc., and set up a special seal deployment.The first one is to improve the national security system, adhere to the "centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee for national security work", improve the national security leadership system, and strengthen the coordination mechanism of national security work; in additionGovernance system.

From the contents of the contents of the 20th National Congress, it is obvious that the Guoan and the public security system are also the focus of this round of reform.

The Hong Kong Ming Pao quoted the news last week that after this round of reform, the "Central Internal Affairs Committee" (temporary name) directly under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will be established to integrate public security, immigration, household registration, transportation, anti -terrorism, anti -spy, and even the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.Organizational management and other functions are the head of the current Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong.

The newspaper believes that this has solved the mystery of Wang Xiaohong as the Minister of Public Security, and the mystery of the Central Secretariat after the 20th National Congress, because the Public Security Minister did not enter the Central Secretariat according to the past practice.The report also said that the relationship between the Central Committee and the Central Politics and Law Commission is unclear.

For the last point, it is certain that the committee led by Wang Xiaohong will not surpass or overwhelm the Political and Legal Committee.After all, Chen Wenqing, the former Minister of Security and Executive Deputy Director of the Office of the National Security Commission, appointed as a member of the Politburo and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee in the 20th National Congress. Wang Xiaohong's level was the deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and a non -Political Bureau member.In the sorting of the Central Secretariat, Chen Wenqing was also the first two than Wang Xiaohong.

Foreign Affairs Commission will integrate the management of public security, anti -spy, and even social organizations, so it may be directly responsible for the inner security work under the "overall national security concept". In addition to traditional social security, it also includes disaster prevention, mitigation, disaster relief, major sudden sudden sudden emergencies.Public events to deal with the ability to deal with, urban and rural community governance systems, resolve grassroots contradictions, and promote the normalization of evil and eliminate evil.

Hong Kong Media Star Island Daily proposed another possibility, that is, this reform focus on the integration of the political and legal system.Substantialize, high -profile to the front desk.

So will the Political and Legal Committee be weakened?It is reported that it cannot be ruled out.In any case, the National Security Council will be directly under the chairman and leadership of the National Security Commission.

There is concerns about public opinion, and the CCP's vigorous reform of the safety system and mechanism is to use the banner of security as "police expansion", which may be suspicious of simplifying the problem.In fact, the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government system have indeed problems such as bloated institutions, bedding houses, and functional mismatch, and there is a need for reform.

and China ’s ahead of the time to revive the economic challenge to the economy after the epidemic, and the outside of the United States and other Western countries is facing the surrounds of western countries. The international geopolitical risks have continued to increase.Both the 20th National Congress of the CPC and the Plenary Session of the Second Central Committee proposed that China's development has entered a period when strategic opportunities and risk challenges coexist, and uncertainty is difficult to predict the increase in factors. It is necessary to prepare a major test of high waves and even stormy waves.

In this context, the Communist Party of China further promotes the integration of the party and government, and strengthens the party's central government for scientific and technological work, major work, and national security.feel.