The Chairman of the Nobel Sustainable Development Foundation Peter Nobel announced that the first Special Development Award of Sustainable Development was awarded to the Special Envoy of China Climate Change Affairs to recognize his global response to climate change and sustainable development.huge contribution.

According to the official Weibo news of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the resolution of Zhenhua's video was attending the awards ceremony. Thanks to the Foundation for granting its highest award in the field of sustainable development in the world, saying that this honor has been in response to climate change for many years.The recognition of the achievements in the field of sustainable development is the recognition of China ’s efforts in the process of promoting global environmental governance.

Jie Zhenhua said that in recent decades, China has coordinated multiple tasks such as development, people's livelihood, poverty reduction, and environmental protection.Instead, it can cultivate new growth momentum and improve the quality and efficiency of development.In particular, the concept of "green water and green mountains is the golden mountains and silver mountains" proposed by Xi Jinping, President of China, has become the consensus and actions of the whole society.Respecting nature, adapting to nature, protecting nature, and promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature are the distinctive characteristics of Chinese -style modernization.China is willing to communicate experience with other countries to build global ecological civilization.

Jie Zhenhua called on the whole society, especially young people to participate in the change and innovation of green and low -carbon together, establish a green low -carbon sustainable production lifestyle and consumption model, and give the descendants a full -loaded wealth, full of wealth,The vitality, Hai Yanheqing's earth.I would like to continue to contribute to the cause of sustainable development and announce that they will donate all the prizes to the sustainable development of the public welfare undertakings.

The Nobel Sustainable Development Foundation was established in Switzerland by Michael Nobel and three other family members in Switzerland in Switzerland in 2007 by the Nobel Sustainable Development Foundation.In 2022, the establishment of a special contribution award was established.