据“航空工业”官方微信星期二(2月On the 21st) information released, China's aviation industry has signed a contract to export the L15 "Falcon" trainer to the UAE.

The 16th Abbby International Defense Exhibition (IDEX) was opened on Monday (20th) in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE.The Chinese military industry's "national exhibition group participated in the exhibition, highlighting the multi -type high -tech aviation trade products. Among them, the L15" Falcon "coaching aircraft with air refueling capabilities appeared for the first time.

The L15 "Falcon" displayed this time uses the UAE Air Force painting and has the ability to refuel in the air.L15 is a new generation of light combat attack trainers, for training for the fourth and fifth -generation fighter pilots, as well as air combat and ground attack missions.The characteristics of L15's high training efficiency, strong combat capabilities, and low life cycle costs have made it an outstanding representative of the new generation of senior coaching aircraft.

In addition to the L15 "Falcon" trainer, the independent development of the aviation industry also shows fighter jets, transport aircraft, drones and weapon systems.Some human-machine exhibitions include L15, Yun 20 and "Eagle", and drone shows include "Pterosaur" 10A, AR-500W, AR-36, and Vespa "Tiger Bee".

The China National Defense Science and Technology Industry Bureau released news that the Chinese exhibition group is one of the largest national exhibition groups in this exhibition, with an area of more than 2100 square meters., Concentratedly displayed nearly 500 equipment, covering traditional security fields such as land, sea, air, sky, and electricity, as well as emerging equipment fields such as network intelligence, no one anti -people, and no one, to focus on displaying the advanced capabilities and levels of national defense technology and industry, in order to be the level and level of national defense technology industry.Constructing a Chinese plan for peace and security in the world.