The staff of the Xiongxian Sub -branch of China Agricultural Bank of China revealed on Wednesday (February 22) that the bank recently launched a new commercial loan product "Lianxin Loan" for Xiong'an buyers.Repayment person.The staff member said that the employees had seen relevant documents, but the specific operating rules have not yet been introduced.

Comprehensive financial, interface news, and financial agency reports that the media calls the customer service phone number of the Agricultural Bank of China. One staff member said that there is indeed the product.

Reporting pointed out that "Lianxin Loan" is not a new thing.Agricultural Bank's official website has published an article called a personal housing loan "loan" in 2014 in 2014 that such loan products can also make the rights and obligations of both parties more equal and clear.The pressure on repayment.Objectively, it can also reduce many contradictions in the future.

Yan Yuejin, the research director of the E -House Research Institute, believes that "Lianxin Loan" and the recent discussion of "100 -year -old loan" are similar, and they all involve the situation of multiple repayment people in the repayment of mortgages."If a husband and wife or family member can understand it as a common repayment, but the unmarried male and female friends as a common repayment person can actually cause everyone's concerns and doubts."