Huawei's executive director, terminal business CEO, and smart car solution Bu CEO Yu Chengdong reiterated in an interview with Huawei not to build a car, and explained the business logic of Huawei's smart car business model.

According to the Xiaoxiang Morning News, Yu Chengdong said: "Huawei does not need to make a car to make a car. The questioning world is Huawei Ecological Automobile. By setting up the questioning world ecological car alliance, a few car companies are selected to join.Common development, make the experience to the extreme, do a good job of product separation, and jointly seize the time window of the reform of the automotive industry. "He added that Huawei's close cooperative car companies will take the lead in profitable within one or two years, and will become China's profitability.One of the best car companies.

余承东还回应了近期关于华为与赛力斯合作的一些误读,并表示华为对赛力斯的投入不但没有减少,反而是在增加,并强调在智选模式下,The biggest benefit must be the earliest cooperation with Huawei, the deepest accumulation, and the richest product model.

When talking about market competition, Yu Chengdong also said that Huawei mainly does mid -to -high -end products and will not involve markets below 200,000. In the future, everyone hopes that everyone will make a big new energy vehicle market together.

In addition, for the Huawei car BU to achieve the profitability of profit in 2025, Yu Chengdong said that to achieve this goal, Huawei has to help the car company sell 1 million cars."We hope that the amount of smart selection and Hi mode can be up, and the amount of Zhichuan may be larger. No matter which mode is, we can achieve it."

From Yu Chengdong's view, all components of the car in the carThe intelligent upgrade is the core of the competition between China and American auto brands in the future.The next 2 to 3 years will be the window period of the intelligent connected car, and Huawei must seize the final time window.

"One person can't beat, and for a few brothers to fight together. This is why we set up an ecological alliance. I believe that these car companies with the most close cooperation with Huawei will be a few who can live.To the last company, "Yu Chengdong said.