Jiangsu Suqian City establishes a system of divorce and calm mediation system, requiring the civil affairs department to mediate to the husband and wife who apply for divorce, and "can adjust its diligence."

The Rule of Law Daily published a report entitled 1719 on Wednesday (February 22), which was reported that the registered divorce couple broke the mirror and re -circle.The divorce registration "calm period" mediation system has clearly transformed the "calm period" into the "reconciliation period". At present, a total of 1719 on the registered divorce couples have been registered after mediation in the "calm period" and the divorce registration.

It is reported that with the changes in the concept of marriage, the rate of divorce continues to rise, which is the current realistic social issue.It is understood that the divorce rate in Suqian City, Jiangsu Province has risen from 2.45 ‰ in 2015 to 3.7 ‰ in 2019, and slightly reduced to 3.2 ‰ in 2020.

In May 2021, the Suqian Municipal Judicial Bureau issued a notice on the establishment of a "calm period" mediation mechanism for the establishment of a divorce registration "cooling period" mediation mechanism under the public security, civil affairs, women's federations and other departments.Administrative organs and Women's Federation set up a dispatch mediation studio for mediation studios established by the Marriage Registration Office, and refined the mediation workflow, further standardized, and improved the mediation work of a divorce registration and register, so as to "be able to adjust".

It is reported that since the establishment of a "calm period" mediation system for divorce registration, Suqian's divorce rate has shown a significant decline: in 2021, the city's divorce of 10,000 733 pairs, the divorce rate is 1.8 ‰; the divorce in 2022The 10573 pair, the divorce rate was slightly lower than 1.8 ‰.

The report also stated that since the establishment of the "reconciliation period" of the Marriage Registration Division of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Sucheng District, since the establishment of the "reconciliation period", the mediation staff has actively done a good job of divorce disputes.Blind divorce, anger and divorce, so that some families who face disintegrations will return to good. "