Female Panda "Big Panda" born in Ueno Zoo, Tokyo, Japan "Xiangxiang "on Tuesday (February 21), took a special plane to return to China in the blessings of the people of China and Japan.

As a "little princess" that has been waited for 29 years as Ueno Zoo, Xiangxiang has a very popular popularity in Japan since its birth in 2017.In the past five years, many people in Japan lined up for a few hours to look at her for a few hours, and the sales volume of souvenirs with her theme as the theme remained high.On the last exhibition date (February 19) before Xiangxiang's going to China, the zoo was crowded with the people who sent her off, and some even cried in emotion, and a large number of people went to Narita Airport on Tuesday to send her off for her.

On the last exhibition (February 19), the Tokyo Ueno Zoo was full of people who sent off for her.(Xinhua News Agency)

This grand occasion has made Chinese netizens who have always prejudiced to Japan to admit: "In any case, the Japanese are really good for pandas and fragrance."

In Chinese social media, almost every report or video related to Xiangxiang, the figure of another giant panda appears frequently.Many messages say: "Please also look at Yaya in the United States."

"Yaya" has frequently appeared on the Sina Weibo hot search list in recent days, even on Wednesday (February22) At one time on the top of the list.

Compared with the fragrant fragrance that is round and lovely, the fragrance of thousands of pets, the Yaya who lives in the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee, USA looks extraordinarily "down": In the photo, she looks sparsely hair and dull.From some perspectives, it seems even thin and skinny, and the posture of paralyzed sitting does not seem to have any energy.

The Yaya in the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee, USA looks particularly "down".The picture was taken in 2021.(IDA's official website)

Many Chinese netizens have commented on their messages, and hoped that Yaya could return to China as soon as possible. Many netizens even filled with indignation and called "the United States is not worthy of giant pandas."

What did Yaya go through?

Yaya, 22, was born in Beijing Zoo in August 2000. In April 2003, he went to the United States with the male panda "Lele", who was two years older than her, and opened in the Memphis Zoo.The first 10 -year lease period, and after the expiration of the contract in 2013, continued the 10 -year rental period.

Since early 2021, many animal welfare people, including the US Public Welfare Animal Protection Organization in Defence of Animals (IDA), have questioned the treatment of Yaya and Lele in Memoris Zoo.According to a statement issued by IDA's official website in April 2021, in addition to both giant pandas lower than normal standards, Yaya also had a hair removal problem due to creep mites, while Lele had several teeth broken.At the same time, both pandas have different degrees of stereotypes.

However, when the relevant news initially attracted attention on the Internet in January of that year, the China Zoo Association responded that Yaya was over 20 years old, belonging to an elderly individual, and "its skin skin, and" its skin skin, and "its skin skin, and" its skin skin, and "its skin skin, and" its skin skin, and "its skin skinThe disease is not a day or two ", so the condition is not good.

The China Zoo Association also said that it is understood that there is no problem with the bamboo supplied by the Memphis Zoo, and the amount of amount is sufficient. The zoo's feedback on the living environment is no problem. The association will continue to communicate with the zoo.According to reports, the China Zoo Association also provides some suggestions for improving breeding conditions, such as increasing protein in the diet and trying other skin diseases for Yaya.

But this response is obviously not enough to reassure the people.According to the publicity of the people on the Internet, the status of the two giant pandas has not improved, and the "return Yaya and Lele Return to China", which was launched on its official website in August of the same year, has also collected more than 88,000 onlinesign.

Under the constant call of animal protectors, Memphis Zoo announced in December last year that it would return two giant pandas in advance, but did not disclose the specific return date.But even according to the original contract, they should be able to return to China in April this year.

It is the death of Lele from the beginning of this month that the Chinese netizens can't wait for the last two months.

The Memphis Zoo announced on February 3 that the 25 -year -old Lele died, but it did not explain his cause of death; the Chinese embassy in the United States announced the next day that China will organize the expert group to go to the United States in time and togetherInvestigate the cause of Lele's death.However, as of now, this news is no longer later.

The latest news for Yaya's return to China, and also disclosed by people familiar with the matter, "The Beijing Zoo is still going through the approval procedures for Yaya to return to China. The specific date of returning to China is unclear."

The death of Lele made Chinese netizens more and more worried about whether Yaya could "live back to China", and even called the conspiracy theory of "the United States will not let Yaya live back to China".like.

Memphis Zoo announced on February 3rdThe news of the 25 -year -old Lele died, but has not yet announced his cause of death.The picture shows the commemoration of the zoo for Lele.(Xinhua News Agency)

Is the United States really not raising giant pandas?

It is undeniable that Yaya’s health is really poor, but many Chinese netizens therefore believe that the idea of American people who do not raise it well or deliberately do not raise panda.Essence

Taking pandas living in the United States as an example, whether it is the 25 -year -old "Meixiang" living in the Washington National Zoo, or the 26 -year -old "Lunlun" of the Atlanta Zoo, although he is older than Yaya, But the physical condition is good, and it looks better than Yaya.Among them, "Meixiang" gave birth to children's "little miracles" even in 2020.

The 25-year-old" Meixiang "(left) living in the Washington National Zoo is older than Yaya, but it depends on itGet up more full of spirit. The picture shows her "little miracle" and the child's "little miracle" at the 50th anniversary of the Chinese and American panda diplomacy.Beijing Zoo's previous irresponsible neck relative breeding is not just caused by Memphis Zoo. However, such a sound is drowned in a loud discussion against the American Zoo.Said, whether in the breeding process of giant pandas or other animals, there will inevitably be an accident of life and death.

There have been several panda deaths in the past, such as 19 -year -old Journey to Thailand in 2019Panda's "Creative Creation" died unexpectedly, and at the end of last year at the end of last year, the 18 -year -old gifted panda "group" died due to the invalidation of epilepsy. Although these incidents also attracted much attention and criticism at the time, as the official announced science science, science announced science science.The explanation also quickly returned to peace.

and Yaya received more and more attention, and the emotions of the people became more and more excited. In addition to the fate of her fate,In recent years, China and the United States have been constantly friction and their relationships are becoming more and more tense.

It is not difficult to feel from the comments. Some Chinese netizens seem to think that the United States deliberately abuses the United States because it has a bad relationship with China.Yaya and Lele, and think that the United States treats the cute giant panda, and it will only be worse to treat the Chinese. If they are substituted into their mentality, then their anger and "going online"It is not difficult to understand.

Although the "abuse theory" of individual netizens is difficult to explain, giant pandas are the most well -known and popular "diplomats" in China, not only their treatment will be regarded as China as ChinaThe microcosm of relations with other countries is often used as a "goodwill ambassador" to ease the relationship between tensions.

In August last year, although Sino -US relations fell to Taiwan because of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives PelosiThe freezing point, but the Chinese Embassy in the United States still held a commemorative event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the giant panda to the United States on August 24th, expressing the desire to continue friendly cooperation between the two sides in this field.

Chinese ambassador Qin Gang in the United States, in his speech, used the "panda hug" to a metaphor for Chinese friendly Americans, and bluntly stated that although pandas are no longer an endangered species, "however, it is regrettable that the 'Panda embraceer' has become it.The "endangered species 'of the conservation' is urgent."

Qin Gang used the "panda hug" to a metaphor for Chinese friendly Americans in the event, and bluntly stated that "panda hugs" became an "endangered species" that needed "conservation". (The official website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States)

Kurt Tong, who was the US Consular Consulate in Hong Kong and Macau and the partner of the Asian Group, was interviewed in an interview with the South China Morning Post that the Chinese Embassy held such an event at that time, in the pressure and suspicion of all parties.Immediately said, "We want to see a better day".

He pointed out that in the minds of Americans, pandas have a great relationship with China, and the lovely image of pandas makes them become China in ChinaThe strong positive symbol is also an important part of China's diplomatic "soft power".

"Panda Diplomacy" has changed from prosperity?

China's "Panda Diplomacy" has a long history, evenAs early as 1941, Mrs. Chiang Kai -shek Song Meiling gave the United States with two wild pandas captured to the United States to thank the US relief of the Chinese refugee joint committee for the relief of Chinese refugees during World War II.After politics, the most famous panda diplomatic cases were also the "Lingling" and "Xingxing" received by Nixon before the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States in 1972.Panda, the Soviet Union and North Korea, who were also a socialist country, received giant pandas.

The most famous panda diplomatic cases were also the "Lingling" and "Xingxing" received by Nixon before the official establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States in 1972.Mrs. (third from right) interacts with giant panda cubs in Beijing. (Internet)

After that, China officially opened "Panda Diplomacy" and successively went to Japan, France, Britain, Mexico, Spain, GermanyGifted the giant panda. These "diplomatic ambassadors" that are stingy have more or less help China to obtain certain recognition in diplomacy.

As China gradually gains a foothold in the international community, at the same time, it is out of animals.Welfare and protection, since the 1990s, leased panda in the name of the country to replace gifts and commercial leases, and became a new form of panda diplomacy and continued to this day.

Limit panda’s panda’sOwnership, but provided a rear way for the leased country: due to the high cost of panda breeding, in recent years, the case of foreign zoo has returned panda in advance due to weak breeding.obvious.

Although some public opinion sings China's diplomatic status as "panda is returned", the Chinese people and officials seem to be disapproved.Folk public opinion generally believes that "our national treasure, we are best spoiled by ourselves."

The kind "panda diplomacy" has gradually cooled down, and China's tough "wolf diplomatic" policy in recent years will inevitably cause "China threat theory" to cause concerns, but from the perspective of animal welfareIt is not a good thing to make pandas lose political and no longer need to be a "relative princess".

From last year's "Taiwan Military Express" and chip sanctions, to China's high air balloon that has just been shot down earlier this month, China and the United States have accused each other with each other's "excessive reaction" sound.The continuous and tight relationship is inevitable that the emotions of "excessive reaction" spread to the people.

I hope that the non -friendly voices of this time will not stimulate more contradictions. Instead, they can make "Yaya" better care and return to China to enjoy their old age as soon as possible.