Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, will issue parenting subsidies to families with more children.Among them, for the first time, the two children and three children will be given to the same couple, and the family registration of new children's household registration will be issued in Hangzhou to issue parenting subsidies.), 20,000 yuan for one -time subsidies to the three -child family.As of now, it has become one of the cities with the highest subsidies.

Comprehensive Zhejiang Daily and Interface News reported that Hangzhou held the third session of the third session of the 14th Session of the 14th National People's Congress on Wednesday (February 22).Decide.

It is reported that the total amount of parenting subsidies is expected to cover about 140 million yuan, which will cover 25,000 families.

It is reported that as of the end of 2022, Hangzhou's permanent population reached 12.376 million.It is found that since 2017, Hangzhou ’s one -child fertility rate has been stable since 2017, but the birth rate of the two -child and three children has fallen straight. Citizens of appropriate age are significantly low in fertility for two children and three children.

The latest Hangzhou population monitoring data shows that the proportion of the two children's birth population decreased year after reaching a maximum of 52.11%in 2017.Taking 2022 as an example, the number of two children was 19,200, accounting for only 35.94%, which was less than 38.77%of the top 38.77%of the top two -child policy in 2015.

The relevant person in charge of the Hangzhou Health and Health Commission introduced that the main factors that showed that the birth rate of the birth rate of the two and three children was the pressure of fertility, breeding, and education. ThereforeTo enhance fertility confidence by reducing the corresponding burden and the long -term balanced development of the population.

At the end of 2022, Zhejiang Province's permanent population was 65.77 million, an increase of 370,000 compared with the resident population of 65.4 million at the end of 2021.As of now, the number of permanent population in Zhejiang Province in 2022 ranks first in the provinces.

Reporting pointed out that parenting subsidies are becoming an inclusive policy adopted by local governments to support fertility.After the implementation of the three -child fertility policy in 2021, various places have successively compared the decisions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on optimizing the long -term balanced development of fertility policies to promote the long -term balanced development of the population, and introduced local "implementation plans". Panzhihua in Sichuan Province has distributed parenting subsidies in many places.The subsidy standards are not uniform in various places, some are issued monthly, and some are paid at one time.

This time, Hangzhou directly issued a subsidy of 20,000 yuan to a three -child family at one time, and as of now, it has become one of the cities with the highest subsidies.Earlier, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province had released a draft for soliciting opinions. For the third child in fertility and registered, it was planned to issue a one -time maternity subsidy of 10,000 yuan. In addition, 3,000 yuan for childcare subsidies was issued each year.At that time, it was a higher level.