The archeology of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Emperor Qin Shi of Shaanxi has new results. Experts have initially clarified the arranges of the arms array.

According to the report of CCTV News on Wednesday (February 22), the reporter learned from the China National Cultural Relics Bureau that the Shaanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau released a number of important archaeological results such as the No. 1 pit of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Emperor Qin Shi EmperorEssence

It is understood that the Emperor Qin Shi Mausoleum Museum made the third excavation of the No. 1 pit from 2009 to 2022, the excavation area was about 430 square meters, and more than a thousand cultural relics (groups) were cleared.

The long weapons in the pit excavated are mainly tadpoles and halberds. Short weapons can distinguish the difference between two types of bronze swords.Clean up the first shield in the pits of the figurines, and command the equipment to clean up the drums and drums.

In terms of the level of the figurines and the military array, the functions of special figurines have been clarified, and the arranges of the arms array are initially clarified.In terms of relics of the car, the relics such as the cage are cleaned up, and it is determined that it is equipped with a mixed object for the car.

The funeral pit of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses is a large group of large funeral pits on the periphery of the Cemetery of the Emperor Qin Shi, of which No. 1 pit area is the largest, reaching 14,260 square meters.