The small three -way passenger route connecting Huang Qi and Matsu, which is connected to mainland China, has resumed navigation after three years of interruption, which means that all four cross -strait passenger routes have been resumed.

The website of the Ministry of Transport of Mainland China announced on Wednesday (February 22) that Jishun 9, equipped with 59 passengers, sailed from Matsu Baisha at 10 am on February 19th, departed to HuangqiThe passenger terminal returned from Huang Qi at 12:30 pm that day.

Taiwan United News Network reported earlier that Lianjiang County Mayor Wang Zhongming attended the re -flight ceremony that day and took a boat to mainland China.Wang Zhongming said that he hopes that the small three links will be open and let the non -Golden horse people use it.

The small and three -way cross -strait small -three links were interrupted due to the crown disease epidemic. From January 7 this year, the routes have been resumed.The website of the Ministry of Transportation of Mainland China announced that the Fujian transportation department will continue to do a good job of normalized operation services and guarantees of passenger transport routes.