Matsui Headquarters Building WeChat Public Account Figure

After the third listing, the Guangzhou Songri Headquarters Building finally sold it.

On February 21, according to the results disclosed by Ali Assets Network, the land, construction and office supplies of Guangzhou FXC-D2-2 of Guangzhou, the KXC-D2-2 of Guangzhou, was eventually sold for about 1.312 billion yuan.

It is worth noting that the final competition was a company that had just registered for the establishment 6 days before the start of the auction.

The results of the bidding show that the user name Guangzhou Development Zone Lanxin Investment Co., Ltd. passed the bidding number P6284 at 10:00 on February 21, 2023 at the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court in Guangdong Province (Break) Guangzhou Fuda Real Estate KXC-In the public bidding of land, construction and office supplies projects in D2-2, the highest price was won at the highest price, and the final transaction price was 1312177049.6 yuan.

According to the information of Tianyan Checai, the Guangzhou Development Zone Lanxin Investment Co., Ltd. was registered on February 15, 2023, with a registered capital of 10 million yuan.The scope of management includes park management services; enterprise management; property management and real estate development operations.

The first listing time of the building was November 8, 2022, with a starting price of 2.05 billion yuan; the second listing time was December 10, 2022, the starting price was 1.64 billion yuan;On the 29th, the starting price was about 1.312 billion yuan, and the evaluation price was about 2.563 billion yuan.

According to the data, the plot is located east of the Innovation Road of Science City, Guangzhou Development District and north of the East East Road; the land use right area is 18005 square meters and the construction area is 225919.4 square meters.The nature of the land is to be commercially available, and the deadline is used to August 30, 2049.

The project plan for the construction of the construction of the construction of the Guangzhou Songri Headquarters Building on the plot is composed of two towers, a podium and basement.One building 21 floors, 28738.7 square meters; skirt room (commercial): 1 five floors, 29826.9 square meters; basement: 1 underground 5 floors, 88328.3 square meters, mainly underground parking lots and equipment.The construction of the project has been suspended and capped, but it has not been completed and put into use, and has not been sold.

At present, the land use rights and construction projects are mortgaged. The mortgagee is the Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Sub -branch of China Construction Bank Co., Ltd.; in addition, the above land use rights and construction projects still have judicial sealing.

The project was originally planned to be landmarks in the eastern area of Guangzhou, but due to the disconnection of funds, it was rotten after the project was capped.The plot is the KXC-D2-2 plot, which was awarded at a price of 102 million yuan in August 2009 in August 2009. The floor price was only 57 yuan/square meter.Construction started to build Guangzhou Songri Headquarters Building. The project planning height was 195 meters. At that time, it was to build a new landmark in eastern Guangzhou.Guangzhou Songri Headquarters Building was suspended in 2018 due to the breakdown of the capital chain. The project only completed 80%. The project was not put into use or sold. It is currently waiting by the people's court.

In October 2021, Fulian Real Estate applied for bankruptcy and reorganization on the grounds of reorganization for its unable to claim debt and obviously lacking the ability to settle.In October 2022, as the manager did not submit the draft reorganization plan on schedule, the Great Real Estate was ruled by the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court to terminate the reorganization procedure and declared bankruptcy.Fu Da Real Estate is a subsidiary of Songri Information Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong). The founder of the actual controller Pan Sutong, the founder of Matsui Group and the chairman of the Gaoyin Group. Interestingly, netizens commented that Qian Kun moved.