The Sino -US science and technology war intensified. The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, emphasized the strengthening of basic research in the collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, consolidated the foundation of scientific and technological independence and self -reliance, and solved key technical problems from the source and the bottom.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China conducts the third collective study on strengthening basic research on Tuesday (February 21) in the afternoon.After listening to Professor Gong Qihuang, president of Peking University and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he said that in response to international scientific and technological competition, achieve high levels of self -reliance, promote the establishment of a new development pattern and achieve high -quality development.Key technical issues.

He proposed that we must strengthen basic research, strategic, and systematic layout, and combine the world's technology -cutting -edge of major national strategic needs and economic and social development goals;, Fully respect the opinions of scientists, grasp the general trend, and make good "first chess"; to strengthen the national strategic technological power, organize the systematic research of strategic -oriented systemic, cutting -edge -oriented exploration basic research, market -oriented application of application basic researchEssence

Xi Jinping said that the impact of institutional guarantee and policy guidance on basic research output is increasing. It is necessary to deepen the reform of the basic research system and mechanism, steadily increase basic research in financial investment, optimize the national science and technology plan basic research support system, Organize the cooperation related to major scientific issues, but also handle the relationship between the new national system and the market mechanism, and improve the system of scientific and technological evaluation incentives, results transformation of achievements, and salary of scientific and technological personnel that match the long cycle of the same basis.

He also mentioned that it is necessary to coordinate the construction of a national laboratory system with Chinese characteristics, deploy a new type of scientific research informatization basic platform in advance, and scientific planning and layout, forward -looking collar type, strategic -oriented, and application support.Fight the domesticization of technology instruments, operating systems, and basic software, improve the level of domesticization replacement and application scale, and strive to achieve the use of China's independent research platforms and equipment to solve major basic research issues as soon as possible.

In terms of cultivating talents, Xi Jinping requested that it is necessary to build a systematic and high -level basic research talent training platform, increase support for basic research talents, cultivate strategic scientists, support youthScientific and technological talents pick a big beam and take charge.

He also said that it is necessary to give the right to control the right to control and the technical route selection rights with greater talents in science and technology, and build an evaluation system that conforms to the rules of basic research and the rules of talent growth; strengthen the style of scientific research style, guide science and technologyThe personnel abandoned exaggeration, eliminating impetuousness, and sitting and sitting in the "cold bench".

Xi Jinping also emphasized the importance of international cooperation and open sharing in his speech. He said that it is necessary to set up a global scientific research fund to increase the opening of the national science and technology plan.Global issues such as biological safety and outer space use to expand and deepen the joint scientific research of China and foreign countries; we must strive to enhance the openness, trust, and cooperation in the international science and technology community, and make new and greater new and greater in the progress of human civilization with more major primitive innovation and key core technologies.Contributions and effectively safeguard China's scientific and technological security interests.

The Sino -US Science and Technology War has recently fought and fierce. Japan and the Netherlands have reportedly reached an agreement with the United States to jointly restrict the export of advanced chip manufacturing equipment to China.

Xi Jinping also mentioned in the second collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee on January 31 that it is necessary to accelerate the pace of self -reliance and self -reliance and solve the problem of foreign "card necks".