China and Japan on Wednesday (February 22) held a security dialogue in Tokyo.Sources sources in Japan said that Japanese -China diplomacy and national defense officials may agree at the meeting to continue to work hard to achieve constructive and stable bilateral relations.

According to the Kyodo News Agency, this would be a security dialogue again after four years.Japanese Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs Consultation officer Yamada Chongfu, Secretary of Defense Policy for Defense, Chang Anton History, and Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Sun Weidong will attend the dialogue.

When Japanese defense officials met on Tuesday (21), they called on China to avoid Chinese balloon from invading Japanese airspace again.

Japan announced earlier that they strongly suspect that at least three unknown flights found in Japan from 2019 to 2021 are unpopular spy balloon in China.

The Japanese website reported that the Ministry of Defense announced that the two parties promised to continue cooperation in the negotiations on Tuesday to achieve the emergency hotline of Sino -Japanese defense officials in spring.Japan also emphasized that they did not accept the airspace of balloon violations and called on China to prevent similar incidents from happening again.