Iranian President Laich wrote in Chinese official media that Iran and China believes that unilateralism and violence measures, such as unjust sanctions, are the main source of crisis and unsafe in the world.

Laish is invited by Chinese President Xi Jinping to visit China from February 14th to 16th.

The Chinese Official Media People's Daily published on Monday (February 13) that Laish titled old friends as the best partner for future cooperation.

Laish said in the article that Iran and China cooperated for a long time under the framework of a comprehensive strategic partnership.Facing the international situation, the two sides have a common or similar position.The two countries oppose hegemony and unilateralism, emphasizing respect for the rights and interests of all countries.Iran and China firmly believe that as long as the spirit and human value are first, and respecting the development rights of all people, the world will definitely be full of peace, justice and justice.

He pointed out that Iraqi and China believe that unilateralism and violence measures, such as unjust sanctions, are the main roots of the world's crisis and insecurity.The two countries unanimously emphasized that countries should work hard to achieve true multilateralism, achieve international fairness, and establish a fair international order in the world.

Laish said that the fundamental interests and rights of each country include the right of development, which is not allowed to negotiate.Any act of abuse of international mechanisms, rudely seeking political interests, and trying to deprive other ethnic rights should be condemned.

He said that Iran's practice in West Asia proves that the interference in foreign forces is the root cause of the regional turbulence and the spread of terrorism.The victory of Iran in the struggle to fight the "Islamic State" terrorism successfully prevented the penetration of the terrorist organization towards the world.It turns out that Iran is a defender of regional security, world peace and stability defenders.Iran has a deep connection with the Arab countries of Western Asia, so it can combat terrorism with them side by side, and proves in practice to maintain the interests of peace, stability and sovereignty in neighboring countries in the interests of Iran.

Leica mentioned that Iran has made its best to seek the development of cooperative relations with all countries such as China, especially China.China has shown to the world that a country can develop and progress without expanding and help other countries develop.Iran always respects China's development concept.

He said that Iran and China are friends of the Communist Party and the Communist Party, as saying, "the old Han Zhisongbai, and seeing the true feelings."The friendly relations between the two countries rely on common will, creating more opportunities for deepening strategic mutual trust and the bright prospects of the relationship between the two countries.