(Beijing News) China's crown disease has continued to stabilize, and officially announced that the first week in February this year has accumulated 912 cases of death in infection in the hospital.This means that the average daily death case in the hospital has remained at more than 100 in the past week, similar to the official single -day number released last week.

China Disease Control and Prevention Center released on Saturday (February 11) from February 3rd to 9th, 2023. The crown disease epidemic data from 2023 shows that there are 912 cases of crown diseases in the hospital.Disease infection leads to respiratory failure, and the remaining 885 is a basic disease infection.

China's official announcement was recently announced in the crown disease infection related to death.At that time, the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the number of deaths in the hospital continued to decline after the daily peak of 4273 on January 4, and fell to 102 on February 6, a decrease of 97.6 % from the peak.

In terms of the number of cases, the number of people infected with crown disease in China also continues to decline.The number of hospitalization in China has decreased from 144,000 on January 30 to 37,611 on February 9, a decrease of about 73.8 %.Among them, the number of severe patients also decreased from 14,000 to 424, a decrease of about 96.9 %.