Hubei Wuhan appeared in a row of retirees last week, and protesting the reform of medical insurance has led to a reduction in personal account funds.Government departments in many places in China have successively explained new medical insurance rules for the past few days, trying to reduce the resistance of public opinion faced by reform.

Network videos show that a large number of elderly people gathered in front of the Wuhan Municipal Government's door last Wednesday (February 8). Many of them sang international songs next to the police car, and some people shouted: "Return me to me"Rest up money".After two days, some elderly people have gathered on the streets.

Related posts stated that most of the aggregates are retired employees of local enterprises in Wuhan. They are dissatisfied with the new medical insurance rules implemented this month and require the official to restore the original regulations. OtherwiseEssenceA protesters reported that after the implementation of the new regulations, the funds of the personal medical insurance account were reduced from the original 260 yuan (RMB, the same, the same, S $ 51) to only more than 80 yuan, and increased the burden of elderly people with higher medical needs.

China Medical Insurance is composed of personal accounts and overall accounts.Personal account funds are dominated by individuals, mainly used to pay daily outpatient clinics and buy medicine expenses; coordinated accounts are uniformly dominated by the government, mainly used to pay for hospitalization expenses.In recent years, the hospitalization rates in various places have risen rapidly, increasing the pressure of overall funds expenditure.Some experts believe that this is because the outpatient reimbursement ratio is not high, and more patients choose to choose to reimburse the cost of hospitalization, so they call for improving the treatment of outpatient reimbursement.

The General Office of the State Council of China issued a guidance on the establishment and improvement of the support mechanism of the basic medical insurance clinic for employees' basic medical insurance clinics in April 2021, requiring the deployment of the reform of the forensic protection system in the country.The core content of the reform is to transfer about half of the funds that were originally included in the personal account into a coordinated account for the establishment of general outpatient clinics.In other words, the amount of funds in the personal medical insurance account of the public has decreased, and the amount of reimbursement for ordinary outpatient clinics has increased.

Wuhan is not the first Chinese city to promote medical insurance reform. After Guangzhou's capital implemented the new regulations in December last year, retirees have also triggered to gather to protest at the Social Security Bureau.Later, it was officially rumored.

Wuhan's protests have once again attracted attention from public opinion on medical insurance reform, and government departments have repeatedly responded to civil doubts in many days.

The Wuhan Medical Insurance Bureau clarified the next day (February 9) that the medical insurance reform was for all insured persons, and it was not that the rumors said that "public officials were not affected."The Sichuan Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau emphasized that most of the personal accounts of the insured after the reform are decreased, but the outpatient treatment is better, and "the real people have benefited more."The Guangdong Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau also rumored through Nanfang Daily on Sunday (12th), saying that the reform was not because the medical insurance fund was not enough, but to improve the level of outpatient guarantee under the premise of not new units and individuals' payment burden.

Scholars: involved in the vital interests of the people, not promoting the policy that is difficult to implement

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, analyzed the United Morning Post that the medical insurance reform system was complicated and involved the personal interests of the people. If the presence of publicity and communication was not done in the early stage, the policy was inevitable when the policy was implemented.

Tang Renwu said: "The government originally wanted to do good things, but the public could not understand the policy changes. Only the money of personal accounts became less, and naturally there would be dissatisfaction.The people on the street to protest the explanation, and it takes more energy to calm the dispute. "

Cai Jiangnan, the founder of Shanghai Chuangqi Health Research Institute, pointed out to the Chinese media that China has learned Singapore experience when setting up employee medical insurance, divided into shared accounts and personal accounts.However, the lack of unified management institutions in the country has led to the dispersion of medical insurance funds. The shared accounts in developed areas may still have a balance, and the shared disk in the lack of development has appeared in deficit.

Cai Jiangnan said that the government and experts have always considered how to dispatch personal account funds to participate in risk sharing, but directly reduce personal account investment, which will make the insurers feel that their cheese is passive.He suggested adopting a transitional approach to develop more ways to use personal account funds, "instead of taking the money directly."