Sources revealed that Sino -US tensions will further heat up due to the Taiwan issue. In 2035, China will increase the existing nuclear warhead reserve to double to 900 pieces.

The Kyodo News Agency last Saturday (February 11) quoted sources familiar with the above plan that the expanded military blueprint formulated by the Chinese Liberation Army has been approved by Xi Jinping, chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission.

The United States said last year that the Chinese Zhi was achieving the military modernization goal and is currently moving towards the target of increasing the nuclear warhead reserve to 1,500 pieces in 2035.

There are foreign affairs experts warning that if the military modernization goals are achieved, China may give up its policy of "not using nuclear weapons first".

Sources said that in November 2022, the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China reiterated the importance of the great lethal weapon and analyzed that it was Russia's strong nuclear deterrent force that Russia avoided it when invading Ukraine in Ukraine to invade UkraineConflict with NATO.

Sources also said that the number of nuclear warheads in China may increase to 550 at the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Army in 2027 and increase to 900 pieces in 2035.

The estimated data of Stockholm International Peace Research Institute showed that as of 2022, Russia had 5,977 nuclear warheads, US nuclear warhead inventory of 5,428, and China had 350 nuclear warheads.

After visiting Taiwan in August last August, Sino -US relations were in a trough after visiting Taiwan in August last August.Beijing subsequently took countermeasures to interrupt and suspend a number of communication channels with the United States in addition to the military exercise of Taiwan.It is worried that Taiwan will become a military detonation point in the Indo -Pacific region in the future.