The first school season after the "Class B and B" in various parts of China, nearly 300 million teachers and students will return to school on a large scale.

According to China News Weekly, the staff of many primary and secondary schools in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hangzhou introduced that for students' epidemic prevention work after returning to school, schools have been monitoring daily health monitoring and reducing physical education courses.To strengthen psychological attention and make preparations, parents should not worry too much.

The staff of a private middle school in Hangzhou said: "The school has begun to class for a week." He introduced that although he is now treating crown diseases according to the "Class B and B", there are very few social epidemics.However, the school still pays more attention to campus epidemic prevention.The school conducts health monitoring of students and teachers daily. The first thing to enter the school every morning in teachers and students is to test the body temperature. If the body temperature is abnormal, the school doctor will be arranged to further check the reason to measure the antigen.

Sun Chunlan, Vice Premier of the State Council of China on February 6th in many middle schools in Beijing and colleges and universities, pointed out that before the start of school, the infection of teachers and students must be comprehensively rehearsed.Carry out offline teaching activities and arrange teaching progress reasonably.

Wu Zunyou, chief expert of the Popular disease of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, believes that with the domestic optimization prevention and control strategy measures, the epidemic may occur intermittently in the future, some people, some people, and for a period of time.The possibility of concentrating large -scale popularity in a short time is relatively small.