Urban management in many China has torn off the Spring Festival couplets posted on the business door after the Spring Festival, claiming to clean up the damaged Spring Festival couplets to maintain the city's appearance, which has caused public opinion criticism, referring to the "longer and longer hands of urban management."

The official WeChat public account of the Jiaozuo City Administration of Henan Province February 3rd news. In order to strengthen the rectification of market order after the Spring Festival holiday, the bureau has cleared more than 150 places such as the damaged Spring Festival couplets and small advertisements as of now.

The official website of Jiangsu Huai'an City Administration on February 3 news. In order to restore the normal city and environmental order after recovering the festival as soon as possible, the bureau cleaned up more than 150 places in chaos and damaged advertisements and banners.

Geomian News quoted netizens on February 7 that the Spring Festival couplet of urban management in Liangzhou District, Wuwei City, Gansu City, and a number of merchants responded on the 8th that the operation began last year.The staff of the Liangzhou District Urban Management Bureau responded that after paying attention to the different opinions of netizens, they had rectified and cleaned up the Spring Festival Federation of the Merchants. First, the damaged Spring Festival couplet was renovated and cleaned up.

The official WeChat public account of Yingkou City Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment in Yingkou City, Liaoning News. On February 8th, after the Lantern Festival, in order to further strengthen the city's capacity management and control, the three brigades of the Municipal Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau's Urban Management Law Enforcement Team have concentrated on the Spring Festival couplets and window windows.Special cleaning operations such as advertisements have effectively purified the city's city capacity environment.

The "Second Three Miles Information" Weibo news from Huashang Media Group said that on February 10, the man in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, talked in the house of the city of Pei County 253 County Road to tear the Spring Festival couplet, which caused heated discussion among netizens.On February 11, the staff of Peixian Urban Management Bureau introduced that this is to meet the inspection created by a civilized city. If it is considered unreasonable, you can call the complaint.

The official WeChat public account of the Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau of Yanji City, Jilin, said on February 10 that in order to strengthen the management of the city's appearance, the bureau's small advertisements in the urban area damaged couplets, banners, and chaos stickers in the urban areaWait for concentrated cleaning.Up to now, more than 1,500 vice deputys have been cleaned up along the street, 17 banners and 20 publicity advertisements.

Although urban management claims to be cleaned up and affected the city's Spring Festival couplets, Guangming.com published an article on a time -evaluation article, criticizing "in many places, the hearts of urban management exercises are getting thinner and more and more.Long, and more and more deeper into the specific life scene of the people ... ".

The article pointed out that the New Year's New Year's Eve is not only a traditional custom, but also represents a positive attitude towards life. The merchants injected the expectations of business in the Spring Festival couplet.What about the Spring Festival couplet on the door? "

Yangguang.com pointed out that clearing the behavior of the Spring Festival couplet exposed the excessive pursuit of" '' uniformly one "simple and rude governance thinking.The work responsibilities of the urban management department include rectifying the appearance of the city, and also serving the merchants. This requires urban management to act in accordance with laws and regulations, consciously abandon improper law enforcement, willful law enforcement, and excessive law enforcement.