The National Development and Reform Commission of China said that for key engineering projects implemented by the "replacement of work", first of all, it is necessary to ensure the quality, progress and efficiency of the project.

According to the official website of the China National Development and Reform Commission on February 1, the Development and Reform Commission promulgated the newly revised state -based management measures on January 10, and will be implemented from March 1.The person in charge of the Development and Reform Commission regional revitalization answered reporters' questions on the management measures.

The person in charge said that the ancient work of the work has refers to the government's investment in infrastructure projects, and the people who have been involved in the project will obtain labor remuneration to replace a support policy for direct relief.Since the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan", the work generation has changed from a special poverty alleviation policy to a comprehensive integration of employment promotion, infrastructure construction, emergency disaster relief, income distribution, and regional development.Sexual assistance policy.

The management measures mentioned that the project should be organized to organize and implementIt is said that this is a management requirement proposed by the work -generation relief project implemented by the use of special funds for the use of the country with the special funds of the country. It aims to play the role of the work quality and safety of the project to drive the employment income to increase the income of employment and mobilize it.Guide more local people to participate in the construction of the project, and issue labor remuneration for them as much as possible.

The person in charge said that the management measures did not put forward the above requirements for key engineering projects and small and medium -sized agricultural and rural infrastructure projects implemented in the form of work.On the basis of this, the construction of the main project and the affiliated construction, construction site service guarantee, post -construction management and protection of the main project, the construction site service guarantee, and the aftermath of the establishment of the local people will be organized as much as possible.