A person familiar with the matter revealed that Credit Suisse Group is considering spinning the China Investment Bank business, retaining a domestic subsidiary of China, and transferring offshore business to the newly established Credit Suisse First Boston department.

Bloomberg News On Thursday (February 2), it is unwilling to be named by people who are not named.Suisse first Boston.

Keeping the domestic subsidiaries in China can reduce the trouble of re -enable the FIRST BOSTON brand to apply for photos.After becoming the controlling shareholder of China's joint venture in the past three years, Creditkin is still waiting for the final approval of the expansion of China's business.

People familiar with the matter said that the SMS securities company will sign a service contract with the Credit Suisse First Boston to make a profit sharing of the Chinese projects completed by the two -sided team.

People familiar with the matter said that the discussion of the split Chinese business is still in the preliminary stage. The current task of Creditver is to complete the transaction of the wholly -owned joint venture company.Credit Suisse First Boston may become a partnership company with some ownership of key employees.It is unclear whether bankers in China will get new entities' shares.

People familiar with the matter said that the Chinese regulatory agencies have completed the on -site verification of the subsidiaries of Creditses before the Spring Festival. This is the last time that Creditses can start to expand the wealth management business and expand the stock trading business to the end of Shenzhen to Shenzhen.step.

According to Bloomberg Internal announcement of Credit, when the company continues to reorganize the business, ZethHUNG) I have left.

Hong Changfu has served in Creditver for 25 years and has been resident in Hong Kong. In 2018, he was appointed joint director of the Asia -Pacific Investment Bank and the Capital Market Department.Edwin Low, the co -director of the Asia -Pacific Capital Marketing Department, was commissioned by CEO of the Asia -Pacific region.

Spokesperson of Creditver confirmed the news of Hong Changfu's departure, and Bloomberg failed to contact Hong Changfu to seek comment.

Many of Creditver have left in recent months, including CESTEN STOEHR, CEO of Greater China.