On February 2, 2023, a joint work class in Jiangxi Province, city, and county jointly held a press conference in Liaoshan County, Shangrao City to report the investigation of the Hu Mouyu incident.

The press conference reported that on October 14, 2022, Hu Mouyu, a senior student in Lishan County, Liaoshan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, disappeared.After the incident, the organization of relevant departments and parties of the organization continued to conduct investigation and search.On January 28, 2023, Hu Mouyu's body was discovered.Under the guidance of domestic authoritative criminal technical experts, the joint work classes of the provincial, municipal, and county public security organs through conducting investigations and visits, on -site investigation, corpse inspection, and physical evidence inspection and appraisal.Primitive first scene.

1. Corpse discovery

At 12:25 on January 28th, the Lifoshan County Public Security Bureau received a telephone alarm by an employee of a grain depot that a corpse was found in the woods in the grain courtyard.After receiving the report, the public security organs quickly sent staff to the scene to investigate, and found that the deceased's clothes were consistent with Hu Mouyu, a student of Zhiyuan Middle School on October 14, 2022.Immediately, the procuratorate asked the procuratorate to send officers to supervise it, and invited family members and his entrusted lawyers to witness the whole process.On January 29, the public security organs performed a DNA test on the biological examination of the deceased to determine the deceased Hu Mouyu.

2. On -site investigation situation

The corpse found that it is located in a grain tank courtyard in the Jinjishan area of Hekou Town, Liaoshan County. The grain depot covers an area of 92 acres, with 20 buildings such as warehouses, dormitories, and more than 8,000 square meters of buildings.The height is about 5 meters.The outside of the wall is flat, and a staircase is formed in the inside.

The center site was located in the bamboo trees in the north of the grain depot. The height gap between the depression was about 6.3 meters.

The north of the central site is the wall of east -west direction. There is a residue pile outside the wall. The dregs height is about 1.5 meters above the wall. There are two trees between the dregs and the wall, and the trees are higher than the wall.A trees that were obliquely raised in the inside wall of the fence. The trunk was about 11 cm in diameter. Hu Mouyu's body was hung on the raised tree of the tree. The hanging point was 4.5 meters away from the ground, and the vertical distance from the top of the wall was 0.61 meters.

Wearing a black and white hooded sportswear on the corpse, wearing back and forth, wearing black sports trousers and dark socks.The corpse's neck is made of two white shoelaces.The tip of the corpse was naturally drooping, 1.47 meters from the ground. Two white backpower high -top canvas shoes were found under the ground under the corpse. There were no laces on the shoes and more dead leaves.The tip of the inner shoe of the left shoes and green moss are sticking to the bottom of the shoe, and the tip of the inner shoes of the right shoes has moss rubbing marks, and the soles of the shoe are sticking to a large area of green moss.After inspection and identification, it is consistent with the moss growing on the inside of the wall.

A black recording pen was found in the lush part of the wall near the wall near the head of the corpse.

There were no signs of fighting or dragging at the center site.

Third, corpse inspection situation

Hu Mouyu's corpse is highly corrupted, most of the skin and leather are sampled, and the scalp has not seen bleeding; the whole body bones are complete, and no fractures have been seen on the skull, spine and thoracic ribs.There are no bleeding in the chest and abdominal cavity, and the organs are in place without missing, but they are corrupted and the testicles have not been damaged. There are no common pesticides, rat drugs, and sleeping sedatives in the gastric tissue and liver tissue.

The cable is a living set, a closed loop of the neck, and the skin is sampled by the skin leather. It can be seen that the strip is a trench.

The stomach is empty, and it is inferred that the death time is more than 4 hours after the last meal; according to the corruption level, combined with the local environment and climatic conditions, Hu Mouyu's body is in line with the characteristics of long -term exposure to outdoor space.

Fourth, the mental portrayal of Hu Mouyu

After interviews and analysis of psychologists, combined with Hu Mouyu's behavior before the disappearance, he believed that Hu Mouyu's personality was gentle and lonely. He cared for others' opinions, and did less in -depth ideological and emotional communication with others.The idea of avoiding the world has the habit of recording his emotions and ideas in books anytime, anywhere.After studying at Zhiyuan Middle School in September 2022, psychological gaps caused by poor academic performance, coupled with the pressure caused by interpersonal relationships and adolescent impulses, caused Hu Mouyu's imbalance before the disappearance of the disappearance, manifested as difficulty in falling asleep, waking up early, waking up early, waking upIt is difficult to fall asleep and other sleep problems afterwards. There is a cognitive dysfunction such as difficult concentration and difficulty in memory.Performance and tendency.

5. Recording pen inspection and appraisal

The audio file in the recording pen was restored by the Appraisal Center of the Ministry of Public Security, and compared with Hu Mouyu's voice before his death, combined with the investigation situation, it was determined that Hu Mouyu, which was selected from the scene at the scene.By comprehensive analysis of the audio files in the recording pen, there is no artificial synthesis and tampering of recording content.At 17:40 on October 14, 2022, the two audio recorded by Hu Mouyu's two -stage audio clearly expressed his willingness to suicide.

Public security organs notified Hu Mouyu's two -stage recording part of the content

At the press conference, CCTV reporters from the Central Radio and Television Station asked questions that how the public security organs confirmed that the recording pen from the incident was held and used by Hu Mouyu himself. Is there any synthesis and tampering of the content, and can the recording be played publicly?

In this regard, Hu Mansong, a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department, and the leader of the guidance team of the Provincial Public Security Department, reported that Hu Mouyu had multiple recording and delete operations when using a recording pen.Data fragments, but the recording content did not find artificial synthetic editing.The two sections of the content of clear suicide are. At 17:40 on October 14th, Hu Mouyu stood on the balcony on the 5th floor of the dormitory and tried to jump off the building and hesitated. The recording showed that Hu Mouyu said: It ’s a bit nervous here.It ’s a heart jumping. To be honest, there is no reason, but it’ s meaningless. What would happen if you really jumped?uncertain.No one should find it if you jump down. At least it will not be discovered now. After a few days in the future, you will definitely find it. I just do n’t jump. Hey, I really want to jump, I do n’t want to, I should not want to.

The recording of 23:08 showed that Hu Mouyu once again expressed his willingness to suicide, which is no longer meaningful. It's almost zero. Simply wait and die directly, because I am a bit unclear today, now I really want to think about it.To die, it feels meaningless.

Hu Mansong said that, in view of Hu Mouyu's suicide, whether these two primitive audio are publicly disclosed, we have solicited the opinions of their family members in accordance with relevant regulations. The family members have clearly stated that they can be disclosed in a timely manner. We respect the wishes of family members.The audio content I informed everyone's part of the excerpt.