Jiangxi Province, city, and county joint work classes on Thursday (February 2) held a press conference on Hu Xinyu, a high school student in Lishan County, Shangrao City.It is believed that this reporter will be fully dry and should be welcomed and encouraged.

Hu Xi entered Thursday and posted on Weibo that he watched the press conference from beginning to end and believed that the police's appraisal of Hu Xinyu's body and the hanging environment was very detailed.The police also announced the content of the recording pen. The relevant evidence can support Hu Xinyu's death and find that his position is the conclusion of the first scene.

Hu Xijin said that the press conference lasted less than 40 minutes a bit short, but the issues that the police were most concerned about the public, including what the recorder said, why the shoelaces could bear the weight of the body in more than 100 days, etc.I made a response, and it was very clear that it was a press conference with sufficient dry goods."If a reporter asked more sharply, jumping out of the answers prepared by the officials, so that some answers can only be carried out, which will make old journalists such as Lao Hu more satisfied. I believe netizens will be more satisfied."

He also mentioned that the fierce emotions on the Internet obviously caused a lot of pressure on the police. It can be seen that several officials who participated in the press conference were a little nervous. They all prepared the manuscript in advance. This should be understood.EssenceThey must have the concerns of some people who are not accurate, and some people on the Internet have held the hype and causing the focus of new public opinion.It means that the press conference may be "biased" at a lot of risks, which is what they can't bear now."Under the current situation, it is not easy to hold this live press conference with a live broadcast, and it needs courage."

Hu Xijin believes that Jiangxi's press conference on the spot and live broadcast should be welcomed.Given that the press conference will make clear the evidence of conclusions and support conclusions, most of the public may have accepted the content of the notice.Targeted around public doubts.

He urged the public to encourage such a reporter to become the standard for the future sensitive incident, and the more mature and mature, and the various questions and emotions on the public opinion field are getting tighter and more problems. There are more problems.It was proposed at the scene that the on -site answer must be tolerant in the process.Information disclosure and transparency is an important guarantee for social advancement. From information publishers to audience, everyone should make their own contributions to the continuous promotion of this process.